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Unit 1 - 2: Task 4

Presented by:
Daniela Murillo Murillo

Presented to:
Norma Constanza González

Business Administration
Effects of technology on the
I consider that the positive effects that technology has on the
environment are the recycling that is done to certain
materials, also the creation of solar panels which allow the
use of solar energy which leads to a storage source. Among
the negative is the massive destruction of forests and forests,
the pollutant gases emitted by industries that cause thinning
of the ozone layer, since technology in recent decades has
been used to manage global warming that today stalks us.
For this reason in the
future I consider that
developments will cause
contaminated water,
deforestation, global
warming among other
Although technology has allowed us to facilitate
everything, that the information is known at the time and
has helped us to have a development, it is necessary to
take measures and implement a greener technology.

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