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 Indah Sari

 I’tasim Billah

 Tufik Ismail
Chickenpox disease or in medical
terms called varicella is an
infection caused by the Varicella
zoster virus. Patients infected
with this virus are characterized
by the appearance of a red rash
filled with fluid that is very itchy
throughout the body
Chickenpox Symptoms

 Fever
 Dizzy
 Limp
 Throat pain
Causes and Risk Factors for
Chicken Pox
 Never had chickenpox
 Has not received the chickenpox
vaccine, especially pregnant
 Work in a public place, such as
in a school or hospital.
virus herpes varicella-zostecan
spread through:
 Saliva
 Cough
 Sneezing
 Contact with fluids from blisters
Chickenpox Treatment
and Prevention

 Drink more and eat soft foods.

 Don't scratch chicken pox rashes

or cuts.

 Wear soft and light clothing.

In addition, consult your doctor again if you or
your child experience various symptoms such
as :

 Rashes that spread to one or both eyes.

 The rash becomes more sensitive when
touched and feels hot.
 This can be a sign of bacterial infection
Dizziness, dazed fast heartbeat, shortness of
breath, stiff neck, trembling to fever more
than 39,4'C
 Having a family history of a weak immune

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