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Member Of Group :

1. Dhea Tri Wardani

2. Fita Indah Nuraini
3. Hany Binti Suharto
4. Hijrah Kharisma Deni Angga Syahputra
5. Puput Wulandari
6. Tegar Tri Wahyudi
What Is Junk Food ?

 Junk Food is a high fat diet and very few

nutriens and vitamins are close to zero
and is a food that prioritizes taste rather
than nutritional conten. For example,
potato chips that contain salt,MSG, and
other seasonings.
Kinds of Junk food

Hamburger French Fries

Spaghetti Chocholate

Pizza Soft Drink

The Advantages Of Junk Food

1. It taste good
2. Quickly served
3. The price is relatively cheap, even many are
4. Many junk food restaurants are open 24 hours
(especially at night where other restaurants are
closed, like it or not we want to eat in junk food
Disadvantages Of Junk Food

1. Not nutritious, even contains many substances

that can trigger cancer, and contain lots of fat,
2. Not good for the environment, because junk food
restaurants usually use a lot of plastic and styrofoam
waste that is difficult to break down.
3. Believe it or not, the more often you eat junk food,
you will be accustomed to demanding food to be
served quickly, this can cause a sense of impatience.

1. Cause type 2 diabetes

2. Trigger digestive problems
3. Causes fatigue and weakness
4. Cause depression
5. Cause fluctuation in blood sugar levels
6. Effect brain function
7. Increase the risk of heart disease
What is a Healthy Food?

 Healthy food is food that contains balanced nutrition,

rich in fiber and subtances needed for body development
corresponds to 4 healthy 5 perfect.
Benefits of healthy food of the body

1. Helps body growth

2. Maintaining the health of organs
3. Regulate blood pressure
4. Help control weight
5. Boosts the immune system
6. Help improve memory
These are examples of foods that are beneficial to the body

Yogurt, milk, cheese

includes healthy
foods that contain
lots of nutriens such
as calsium, protein.
Kinds of healthy food

Fruit Salad Fruits

Sandwich Soup

Fruit Juice Milk

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