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Reference is the detailed description of the

document from which the information
Types of reference Style
1. APA: American Psychological Association
2. MLA: Modern Language Association of
3. Chicago: History and many other subjects
in scholarly and non-scholarly work
American Psychological Association (APA)
style is a most frequently used within the social
sciences, in order to cite various sources.
How to used APA in
How to cite a book in
APA format structure:
Author, A. ( Year of Publication). Title of work.
Publisher City, State: Publisher.
APA format example:
Finney, J (1970). Time and again. New York, NY:
Simon and Schuster.
When citing a book a APA, keep in mind:
 Capitalize the first letter of the first word of the
title and any subtitles, as well as the first letter of
any proper nouns.
 The full title of the book, including any subtitles,
should be stated and italicized.
How to reference a
magazine in APA?
Magazine article in Print
APA format structure:
Author, A. ( Year, month of Publication). Article
title. Magazine Title, Volume (Issue), pp-pp.
APA format example:
Tumulty, K. (2006, April). Should they stay or
should they go? Time, 167 (15), 3-40.
Magazine article in found online
APA format structure:
Author, A.A. (Year of Publication). Article title.
Magazine Title, Volume (Issue), Retrieved from
http:// xxx
APA format example:
Tumulty, K. (2006, April). Should they stay or
should they go?. Time, 167(15), Retrieved from
How to reference a
newspaper in APA?
Newspaper article in print
APA format structure:
Author, A. ( Year, Month Date of Publication).
Article title. Newspaper Title, pp, xx-xx.
APS format example:
Rosenberg, G. (2000, March). Electronic discovery
proves an effective legal weapon. The New York
Times, p. D5.
When creating you newspaper citation, keep in mind:
 Precede page numbers for news paper articles with
p. (for single page) or pp. ( for multiple pages).
If an article appears on discontinuous pages, give all
page numbers, and separate the numbers with a
comma ( e.g., pp. B1, B3, B5-B7).
Newspaper article found online
APA format structure:
Author, A. ( Year, Month Date of Publication).
Article title. Newspaper Title, Retrieved from
newspaper homepage URL.
APA format example:
Rosenberg, G. (1997, March 31). Electronic
discovery proves an effective legal weapon. The New
York Times, Retrieved from
When citing a newspaper in APA, keep in mind:
 APA does not require you to include the date of
access for electronic sources. If you discovered a
newspaper article via an online database, that
information is NOT required for the citation either.
Multiple lines: If the URL runs onto a second line,
only break URL before punctuation
( except http://)
How to cite a website in
General website article
an author
General Website article with an author
APA format structure:
Author., A. ( Year, Month of Publication). Article
title. Retrieved from URL.
APA format example:
Simmons, B. ( 2015, January 9). The tale of two
Flaccos. Retrieved from
General website article
without an author
General Website article without an author
APA format structure:
Article title. ( Year, Month of Publication). Retrieved
from URL.
APA format example:
Teen posed as doctor at West Palm Beach hospital:
police. (2015, January 16). Retrieved from
Doctor-at-West- Palm-Beach-Hospital-Police-288810831.html
Arrange the following bibliographical entries to make a
reference page and work cited page.

Harlow, H. F. 55, 893-896.

Fundamentals for preparing psychology journal articles


Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology

Arrange the following bibliographical entries to make a
reference page and work cited page.
2) Heard any good books lately? 1986
July 21 113, 71-72.
Kanfer, S. Time

3.)2001, August 2 Devitt, T. January 23,

Lightning injures four at music festival. The Why?

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