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Accesibility tools for

Samsung tablet 3
Operating system: Android Pie
By: Daniel McGill
To access the accesibility
feature on a Samsung tablet:
1. Click the drop down menu
at the top of the home
2. Click the “cog“ button to
access settings.
3. Scroll down and click on
4. Choose your desired
Voice assistant is a fantastic
way to help users who are
blind or have troubles seeing
apps/interface options. When
this setting is turned on, any
app that the user hovers over
top of is read out loud so the
user can hear what app they
are about to select. Once
they select an app it will read
any text on the screen.
For hearing impaired students,
Samsung has features that aid
in notifications being seen
rather than heard. Samsung
also has an option for those
sensitive to sound to mute all
noise. They also put in an
option to have subtitles and
choose which service provides
them (Google or Samsung).
Samsung also has an option for
which side the sound will come
out of for headphones.
Samsung also comes with a
function to help with those
who have limited dexterity.
This is very convenient for
anyone who cannot hold a
device and click or tap at the
same time. It even has a
feature where you can set how
long you have to tap to open an
app. It also let’s you change
what the buttons on the tablet
do to help those who cannot
use the screen.
Talk back is akin to the first
feature I mentioned,
However, talk back is
specifically for reading what
is on the selected app and it
let’s to switch from item to
item by swiping.
Switch Access is a wonderful
tool for anyone with a motor
impairment who needs to
change how the buttons on any
phone or tablet work so they
can have better control over
their devices. It is also
convenient for anyone who only
has one hand and cannot hold
the device and access the
screen at the same time.

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