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What is revision?

The word ‘revision’ means to look

again. After writing an initial draft,
most writers do ‘look again’ at
their writing to be sure that they
have already achieved what
they set out to do.
What is revision?
When ‘looking again’, we check the
- grammar & spelling
- punctuation marks
- word usage & transition words
Read the paragraph below then identify the mistakes /
error found in the text.
Writing skills are important parts of comunication. Theu allow you to
communicate your message with clarity and ease.
Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling are the key elemnts in written
communication. These, when observed properly, could give a writer a good
The good new is that writing is a skill which can be learn like any pther.
One trick for checking and improving your work is to read loud. Reading your
own writtten outputs makes you to slow down nad pick up problems with the flow
that your eye wuld otherwise skip over.
There are many time in your life when you will be ask to write something
very specific. whether this is to take notes? of a converssation, write the minutes
of a formal meeting, or prepare a report, all this types of writing require specific
skills, and usualy a particular style.

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