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Urinary Tract Infection

Puri Rahayu
Nenden Nur Azizah

Urinary Tract Infection or urinary Troctus

infection is a condition in which
microorganisms are infected in the urinary
tract. (Agus Tessy, 2001)
2. The prevalence of causes of UTI in
1. The types of microorganisms
old age, among others:
that cause UTIs include:
- Remaining urine in the bladder
- Pseudemonas, Proteus, klebsiella:
increases due to emptying less
cause of complicated UTI
effective bladder
- Escherichia coli: 90% causes of
- Mobility decreases - Poor nutrition
uncomplicated UTI
- Decreased immune system, both
- Enterobacter, Staphyloccoccus
cellular and humoral
epidemidis, enterococci, etc.
- There are obstacles to the flow of
urine - Loss of the bactericidal
effect of prostate secretion
Classification of urinary tract infections as follows:

1. Bladder (cystitis)
2. Urethra (urethritis)
3. Kidney (pyelonephritis)
Clinical manifestations
Uretritis usually shows symptoms:
1. Blushed mucosa and edema
2. There is a purulent exudate fluid
3. There is ulceration of the urethra
4. The itching tickling
5. Good morning sign
6. The existence of pus early miksi
7. Pain at the beginning of micturition
8. Difficulty to start proxy
9. Pain in the abdomen
1. Prostatitis
2. Epididymis
3. Urethral stricture
4. Blockage of the vasoepididinal
Medical management
The ideal management of urinary tract infections (UTIs) is an
antibacterial agent that effectively removes bacteria from the
urinary tract with minimal effect on faecal and vaginal flora.
Urinary Tract Infection Therapy (UTI) in the elderly can be
divided into:
– Single dose antibody therapy
– Conventional antibiotic therapy: 5-14 days
– Long-term antibiotic therapy: 4-6 weeks
– Low dose therapy for suppression

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