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- BY
Shweta Joshi
Shweta Goyal
Shweta Kalyankar
Siddharth Jaiswal
Simran Agrawal
Simran Patel
Simranjeet Singh
Individualism vs. Collectivism

 ‘I’ identity (independence)

 Self- other orientation
 Social control is based on individual guilt and on fear of losing self respect
 Candour is respected, considered sign of honesty

In business
 Focus on individual strengths / talents
 Direct communication, freedom of expression
 Individual achievement is valued

Ex. USA, Australia, western European countries

 ‘We’ identity (interdependence)
 Other-self orientation

 Social control is based upon the fear of losing face

and the possibility of shame
 Harmony valued

In business
 Focus on group strengths / talents
 Boss is important
 Achievement is a product of society

Ex. China, Japan, Korea, India

Masculinity vs Femininity
• Society’s preference for assertiveness, heroism,
achievement and material reward for success
Example: Japan

• Society’s preference for modesty, cooperation,
quality of life and caring for the weak
Example: Sweden
Long term orientation vs Short term orientation
This dimension was originally described as "Pragmatic Versus Normative (PRA)." It
refers to the time horizon people in a society display.

• Countries with a long-term orientation tend to be pragmatic, modest, and more


• In short-term oriented countries, people tend to place more emphasis on

principles, consistency and truth, and are typically religious and nationalistic.

Example - The U.S. has a short-term orientation. This is reflected in the

importance of short-term gains and quick results (profit and loss statements
are quarterly, for example).
Indulgence vs. Restraint

 Indulgent: trait related to relative happiness based on instant


 Restraint: a cultural characteristic based on regulating and

controlling behaviour according to social norms

 Indulgent societies: U.S, UK, Australia, Chile

 Restrained societies: China, Egypt, Romania

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