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Assignment On : Managing (Patient)

Inventory In Rama Hospitality

Submited To : Mohit Gupta Sir

Submitted By : a) Akesh Kumar Rauniyar
b) Ankur Yadav
Before Starting Let Us Have A Quick
Short Review About Rama Hospitality
• Rama Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Kanpur is a college
that is said to be situated in the Manchester of India i.e. Kanpur. The
college is located in the vicinity of Govt. Medical College and the India’s
prestigious IIT Kanpur. The college is also surrounded by various medical
and engineering institutions thereby providing a complete studious
environment. The college is very well connected to Delhi, Meerut and
Ghaziabad. The aim of the college is to Provide Better Health Services To
The Respected Citizens Of India at a affordable cost.
• Rama Hospitality has speacilaised doctor for most of the treatment and
also nurses for 24x7 Taking Care Of Patients Over Here
• Recently Rama Hosiptality has been enrolled for Ayushman Bharat
a welfare scheme of Govt.Of India which gives citizens Free Health bnefits
of upto 5 lac.
So , After Knowing quick insight of Rama Hospitality We Come
To Analysis Of Case Study..

• Reception..
• The very first place where a visitor come to get himself or
his/her family members treated here in rama hospitality.
• The process is simple they just have to tell some details of the
patient like “Name” “Age” “gender”.& will have to pay fee of
patient admission.
• Later on after getting above details the receptionist ask for
the the “problems” to recommend the treatment process in
rama hospitalty.
• As You Could See A image Example of Prescription Slip of
Rama Hospitality.
After Reception Process Then It Comes
To Next Step….
• i.e The Receptionist Reccomends The Best Doctor In O.P.D(Out Patient
Department) For The Cure Of Disease OR Problem patient might have.
• Later On The O.p.d Doctor Examines the case of patient Like he/she checks
“blood pressure” “skin colour” “tongue color” “eyes” e.t.c if required any
test then he suggests to do that and rama has its own pathological
services so patients examines him there or from wherever they want to
examine them and based on overall checkup doctor admit the patient if
• Later On based on lab report doctor start treatment of patient admitted or
in case of not admit of a patient doctor suggests him/her medicines the
suffering disease found on examine.
• Rama O.P.D Department Generally have doctors available most of the
time with Efficient supporting staff members like nurses , chemist e.t.c
• Also rama has best doctors team to cure most of the disease.
While Treatment of patients in O.P.D Deprtment if found serious issues that
can’t be cured with medicines and may have to cure with other ways of
treatment then in that case Doctors Of O.P.D Department Refers To I.C.U
Intensive Care Unit / Emergency.
Generally this recommendation or refer is done in cases of serious injuries like
road accidents or fractures patients who might require some surgery e.t.c

Then Later On After Remedy of The Patient Doctors Put Him/her In I.C.U till
he becomes normal if we talk about I.C.U then there patient is put on ventilator
in which his/ her taking care is done through team of specialists.Till he becomes
in a normal state.

After patient becomes in a normal state then doctor transfers them in O.P.D
department with some prescriptions and there doctors of O.P.D departments
take care of patient till he/she might become I discharge state.
Some Image Example Of Rama
Offerings To Patients By Rama
• Rama Hospitality offers 50 % Discount for previously used
service patient of its hospitaity services.
• It Offers Several kinds of pathological checkup discounts.
• Also it offers huge discount on surgeries.
Conclusion..(Based On Inventory
• So we have now observed deep About Rama Hopsitality
and we came to conclude that if we relate its patient
management with inventory management techniques Then
We Found That It Follows A.B.C Analysis.
• As we know That A.b.c Analysis is a inventory management
technique in which materials are managed on selection
control required steps.
• Also We cocluded that Rama hospitality is a hospital
situated in the manchester of india i.e Kanpur with high
quality remedy services and efficient and effective staff
management which offers several services to its patient
Thanking You….

• Hope So Sir You’ll Liked The Presentation…

• & Will Give Good Reamarks…

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