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The united nations

World wars
World war1 broke out in august 1914. it was a terrible
war in which several nations of the world were
involved. The war started in Europe when the
industrialised nations of the world became jealous of
each other’s powers. Each country wanted its own
empire to grow. Millions of soldiers and other people
were killed or wounded. Cities were destroyed and
there was a severe shortage of food.
World war 2
After a few years of peace, world war 2 broke out in
September 1939. It ended in 1945 after USA dropped atomics
bombs over two Japanese cities- Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The
loss of life and the destruction of cities world war 2 was much
greater than world war 1.
Formations of the united nations
After world war 2, the nations of the world came together to
find ways of preventing wars in future. The tremendous
destruction and misery of the two wars had made them wiser.
As a result of their efforts, the united nations was born in the
year 1945. A set of rules, called the charter of the united
nations, was made at a conference in San Francisco, USA. It
was signed by 50 member countries on 24 October 1945.
today 193 countries are members of the United Nations.

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