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Estela Palmieri Santos & Giovanna Maria de Castro Pontes
• Also featured in the United
States, basketball is on the list
of the most popular sports in
the world. The highlight, of
course, is the NBA, the
American Basketball
Association, which has
positioned the sport at such a
high level of technique that
virtually no other country can
keep up. Around the world,
there are about 400 million
practitioners of this sport.
sport, surpassing the
popularity of football.
• This is not only one of the most
popular, but also one of the
most expensive to practice in
the world. In fact, in general,
the scam is linked to the
wealthier classes, especially
because their fields are
located in luxury
condominiums and clubs.
• In the United States alone,
there are an estimated 17,000
golf courses.
• The sport is widely
practiced in the
United States,
Canada, Mexico,
Cubra, South Korea
and even Japan. As a
result, it is estimated
that there are around
500 million fans of the
sport around the
• Considered the most
violent team sport in the
world, rugby has the
aggravation of not having
mandatory protective
equipment for its players,
such as those used in
football. Thus, it is not
difficult to see players
bleeding or seriously
injured as the impact of
the shocks is entirely
absorbed by their bodies.
• Very popular in
countries like Brazil
and Cuba, volleyball
is very successful
both on the court and
on the sand. In all, the
sport has over 900
million fans
• Although their matches can
also be played in pairs, tennis
is considered the most popular
sport in the world played
individually. It requires a lot of
physical effort from its players
and the matches can last for
hours and their matches can
take place on open courts with
synthetic, gravel, grass or
cement surfaces.
• The sport has about 1 billion
fans worldwide.

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