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Hypothyroidism is medical speak for a low functioning thyroid, the tiny butterfly-
shaped gland at the base of your neck. This rather common condition affects around
10 percent of women over 40; and unfortunately, once you reach menopause.
Depending on the severity of the problem, your doctor will probably prescribe a daily
thyroid hormone replacement pill. However, before you resign yourself to a lifetime
of pill swallowing, I think a little research is in order to determine the cause of your
sluggish thyroid.
Think of this gland as the “metabolism manager”. When it does its job, we have good energy,
adequate warmth, and normal bowel function; when it malfunctions, we feel sluggish, cold, and
To understand why hypothyroidism causes so many different problems, it’s important to
understand what the thyroid does. Think of this gland as the “metabolism manager.” When it
does its job, we have good energy, adequate warmth, and normal bowel function; when it
malfunctions, we feel sluggish, cold, and constipated. When it speeds up too fast—a condition
called hyperthyroidism—we feel restless, overheated, and prone to diarrhea.
But the thyroid does more than regulate energy, temperature, and digestion. It basically affects
every function in the body. A healthy thyroid improves your skin, hair, muscles, bones, joints,
nerves, heart, mood, and sexual function. So, yes, you can blame your weight gain, muscle and
joint pains, and depression on your sluggish thyroid. Hypothyroidism has also been linked to
nerve entrapment (such as carpal tunnel syndrome), menstrual irregularities, high cholesterol,
and heart disease. It can even cause swelling in the face, ankles, and neck.
In a healthy body, the thyroid makes Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3) in response to the pituitary gland’s
thyroid stimulating hormone, or TSH. Some of the T4 is then converted into the more active T3 hormone, and
together they regulate metabolism throughout the body. Any interference with even one of these processes can cause
symptoms of hypothyroidism. Here are some common possibilities:
Mineral Deficiencies: An adequate supply of iodine and selenium is essential to thyroid hormone production.
Hormones: Studies suggest that any disruption in the balance between estrogen and progesterone impedes normal
thyroid hormone production or its utilization.
Stress: Cortisol and adrenaline, two hormones made by the adrenal glands, rise excessively with unrelenting stress,
blocking TSH production in the pituitary and impeding the body’s ability to convert T4 to the more active T3.
Autoimmune Disease: A fairly common cause of hypothyroid problems is thyroiditis, a condition in which the
immune system attacks and damages the thyroid gland, creating inflammation and scarring.
Environmental Toxins and Drugs: Pesticides, exposure to radiation, fluoride, and even cigarette smoke contribute
to thyroid problems.
Alternatives do exist. Plenty of people have successfully decreased their medication—and many have gone off
completely—by making dietary and lifestyle changes.
Here’s how to get started:
• Get your iodine and selenium levels checked.
• Make sure you eat well.
• Manage your stress level
• Practice specific yoga poses.
Here are a few yoga asanas which can help in effectively. These yoga poses can help in
strengthening muscles and also reducing effects of hypothyroidism.

Viparita Karani (Inverted Pose) :

This pose is also known as the legs up the wall pose. It is helpful for various ailments including
hypothyroidism. It increases blood flow to the thyroid gland and regulates thyroid function.
Besides, this pose has a rejuvenating effect on the mind. It also helps in relieving stress, curing
insomnia and fighting anxiety.

Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) :

Sarvangasana or shoulder stand helps in maintaining the governing system of

the body - the endocrine system. It exerts pressure on the thyroid gland. Thyroid
gland receives the largest supply of blood. Sarvangasana helps in improving
blood circulation and squeezing stagnant secretion. It releases blood into the
neck and helps nourish the thyroid and reversing hypothyroidism.
Ustrasana (Camel Pose) :

This pose too can stimulate the thyroid gland by stretching the neck and
increasing blood circulation in the gland. Practicing this yoga pose for
thyroid can also help in relieving issues of the spine. It also helps in
bringing relief to people suffering from asthma. However, this pose
should be avoided I case you have hernia or ulcers. People with arthritis,
vertigo and abdominal injuries should avoid doing the camel pose.

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose) :

Setu bandhasana or the bridge pose is an effective yoga for thyroid,

especially hypothyroidism. It stretches the neck and improves blood
circulation in the thyroid gland. The pose is also effective for
treating asthma, reducing headaches and strengthening muscles.
People in the final stage of their pregnancy should avoid doing the
bridge pose.
Halasana(Plough Pose):

This pose helps in stretching of the neck and stimulates the

thyroid glands. However, this pose must not be performed by
people with hyperthyroidism as it facilitates secretion of thyroid
hormones. This pose also helps in strengthening abdominal
muscles and back muscles along with relaxing the autonomous
nervous systems.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) :

Matsyasana or fish pose makes your back arch in a way that it increased
blood circulation in the thyroid gland. This pose stretches the neck and
throat and stimulates the thyroid gland. It relieves a lot of tension in the
area. The pose is done by inverting the head. This encourages blood flow
to the thyroid gland and is thus good for people suffering from
hypothyroidism. This pose also helps in maintaining health of abdominal
muscles and the spinal column.
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) :

This yoga pose for thyroid massages the thyroid gland and compels
it to produce the required amount of thyroid hormone for
controlling metabolism. It is thus an effective pose for treating with
hypothyroidism. This pose helps in strengthening of back,
reducing stress and relieving menstrual pain.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) :

This pose is a part of the very beneficial surya namaskar. This pose
stretches the neck and throat region, thereby increasing thyroid
functioning. It is helpful for people suffering from hypothyroidism. People
with back pain or neck pain should also do Bhujangasana as it helps in
strengthening and toning of muscles. Avoid this pose in case you have
recently undergone an abdominal surgery or have hernia or ulcers.
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