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Modal Auxiliary Verb


Jesica Manda P.
Kresentia Velin D.
M. Lutfi Adi S.
What’s the meaning of
Shall is a modal verb. It’s used to indicate future action. Shall is most
commonly used in sentences with “I” or “we”, and is often found in
suggestions, promises, or voluntary actions.

In formal English, the use of shall to describe future events often

expresses inevitability or predestination. In speaking, shall usually
contracted to ‘ll, especially after subject pronouns (I, we, you, they, she,
he, it)
What’s the function of shall?
To make suggestions or offers

To talk about the future

To say what you are going to discuss or explain later

To indicate that something must happen

Telling to do or have something they want

Looking forward to something or hoping to do something

Referring to the likely result or consequence

Example of Sentences
Use shall with ‘I’ and ‘we’ in questions in order to make offers or
suggestions, or to ask for advice. Example:

 Shall i get the keys?

 I bought some lovely raisin buns at the bakery. Shall i bring you one
with some tea?

 Well, shall we go?

 What shall i do?

 Let’s have a nice day together, shall we?

Shall usually use with ‘I’ and ‘we’, to talk about the future. Example:

 We shall be landing in London in five minutes, exactly on time.

 I shall miss him terribly.

 I shall know more next year, i hope.

 I shall sail out in the twenty-second.

 We shall teach him more about this report.

Use shall with ‘I’ or ‘we’ during a speech or piece of writing to say what
you are going to discuss or explain later. Example:

 In Chapter 10, i shall describe some of the video that i gathered.

 The painting, as we shall see, is very beautiful and different.

 We shall recall about various trends that rise in the previous decade.

Use shall to indicate that something must happen, usually because of a

rule or law. You use shall not to indicate thet something must not happen.

 The president shall hold office for five years.

 You shall not make this report.

 If you are not serious you shall not do it here.

 The police shall decide the safest conditions.

Use shall, usually with ‘you’, when you are telling someone that they will
be able to do or have something they want. Example:

 Very well, if you want to go, go you shall.

 Then that is what you shall have right now.

Use shall with verbs such as ‘look forward to’ and ‘hope’ to say politely
that you are looking forward to something or hoping to do something.

 We shall look forward to seeing him next week.

 I shall hope to see you in the restaurant.

 We shall review your photoshoot tomorrow, Andy.

Use shall when you are referring to the likely result or consequence of a
particular action or situation. Example:

 We shall know that times are really hard for every human.

 This is our last chance and we shall need to take it if we are to compete and

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