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Evelie Bass, Lillian Wright,

Meredith McCall, Alex Perren

Hula Hut Throw Down


1. Class will be divided into 2 groups. Within the 2 groups,

2 people from the same group will be partners.
2. Each group will need 6 hula hoops
3. The two class groups will make lines across the gym
parallel from each other.
4. Each set of partners will build a hula hut with their
hula hoops
5. Once the hula huts are built, the students will throw the
soft dodge balls at the opposing sides hula huts trying
to knock them down. The side with the last standing hula
hut wins

1. No throwing at people, only at hula huts

2. You cannot cross the half court basketball line
3. If you hit someone in the face, you have to sit out.
4. If your hula hut gets knocked down, you are out of the
Reaches the instructions

This game fits the instructions coach McWilliams gave becuase

every student is involved in the game and every student is
moving the whole time.

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