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Technical Writing

Importance of
Technical Writing
Completion of Work
Technical reports on the progress of the project indicate a thorough, careful,
and systemic planning, and performance of work.
 Giving a definite course of action.
 Reports written technically assures serious involvement of people and things in their
desire to make the project reach its full ending.
Facility of Work
A modern view of technical writing is to think of this as an act of
communicating what are happening in a workplace.(McMurray, 2002)
 All parties Are involved in the work.
 All Project workers are given the opportunity to be informed of the status of the job.
 And all parties are aware of the things they have to contribute for the perfection and
completion of the task
 This is true especially if the technical written report includes graphic and figures.
Improvement of Interpersonal Relationships

The ultimate objective of technical writing is to initiate a meeting of minds

between two or more people in relation to the accomplishment of a certain
project.(Gerson, 2006)
 Applying the principled and ethical ways of communicating ideas by mean of the
various writing products and of writing letters, Emails, and Memos, technical writing
plays an important role in building better working relationships among people
Increase Income
Money is always involved in technical writing.
 Through various Technical writing Products and Technical writing letters.
 Well-written resumes, sales, letters and proposals are capable of getting clients, buyers
and companies.
Means of Job Promotion
It is every workers desire to be promoted to a higher rank for this would
mean higher pay and better working conditions.
• The vehicle to any job promotion is technical abilities and skills in creating Technical
written works.
• It’s an instrument to getting a job promotion.
Improvement of Personality Traits
Technical writing requires a great deal of reading and writing on different
areas of knowledge.
 Engaging on this activities makes you do a higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) like
inferring, analyzing, criticizing, evaluating, creating and appreciating. It enhances your
cognitive abilities.
Improvement of Personality Traits
Technical writing does not only depend mainly on your mental aspect but on
your emotional stability, interpersonal relationships, and ethical standards as
 In making technical written works there is a interplay moral, mental, emotional, physical
and social aspects.
 Also enhances your personality.
Security of Records
• Transaction. Dealings, or agreements have to be recorded or documented for
safekeeping purposes or for knowledge transmission.
• Technical writing prevents a possible loss or change of data involved in any working
Qualities of a Technical
Superior Communication Skills
Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing are the four basic skills that any
kind of writer has to master to be able to exchange of ideas excellently with
 While writing is mostly used in making technical written works, you need the other
three skills in obtaining data for your technical written work.
 The answer in Technical writing is the activation of all your communication skill.
Superior Communication Skills
Listening to peoples’ ideas, exchanging ideas with others, and reading books
or journals, especially those related to your topic are therefore your ways to
substantiate your technical paper.
 Increase you vocabulary
 Improve your language abilities
 Widen your perception about life
Higher-Order thinking Skills (HOTS)
Higher-order thinking skills require more and deeper mental effort from the
 Abstract knowledge
 All methods of thinking elicit meanings based not mainly on concrete objects but more
on the readers’ view points or personal thoughts and feelings.
Higher-Order thinking Skills (HOTS)
Among the higher-order thinking skill that you ought to practice frequently
in technical writing is critical and evaluative thinking.
 In a problem-solving technique that requires you to evaluate situations well so you canc
distinguish the most important issues from the most insignificant ones.
 You like wise use critical thinking for your readers’ easy and coherent understanding of
the entire composition to help in organizing your technical paper.
Persuasive Skills
• In Technical writing, two parties are basically involved: the writer or seller
and the reader or buyer.
• The objective of the first party is to convince the second of the excellence of the
technical paper.
• To succeed in this, you need to know and practice the art of persuasive writing where
you apply ethos (appeal to one’s morals), pathos (appeal to one’s emotions and feelings),
and logos(appeal to one’s logic thinking).
 It is possible that wanting to win a bid and earn a bigger amount, you may
become morally unsound.
 Producing a technical written work full of falsities or gross exaggerations.
 You make the gross dishonest act of owning experts’ ideas by presenting these
borrowed ideas undocumented in your technical paper.
Keep in mind that a successful and learned technical writer must always
practice integrity. A long and lasting wealth is based on godly things.
• The expression, technical writing may sound difficult to some, but a zestful
technical writer knows how to turn anything difficult to something that is
easy and enjoyable.
• A person with zest has a positive disposition in life makes failures as a test of courage
and a stepping stone to success.
• Knows the right way to overcome any hindrances or difficulties that may prevent from
producing effective technical written works.

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