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Scientific classification
• Kingdom : Animalia
• Phylum : Chordata
• Class : Amphibia
• Order : Urodela
• Family : Ambystomatidae
• Genus : Ambystoma
• Species : A. mexicanum
• Scientific Name: Ambystoma mexicanum
Anatomy of Axolotl
Life Cycle
1. The embryo, which measures about 2 mm
in diameter, and also the surrounding layers
of jelly.
2. The embryo right before it hatches. In the
second stage the embryo is 11 mm in
3. The young larva before it has grown any
limbs. An axolotls skin tends to be very thin
and see through when it is a larva for their
first few weeks of life, or until the skin has
thickened, so the organs are quite visible.
4. After about two weeks, the larva reaches
stage 4. Like other salamanders and unlike
other frogs, the front legs come in first and
the back legs develop second
5. The axolotl is a miniature adult. Axolotl stay
in stage 5 for the rest of their lives, until
they die at about 12-15 years of life.
Axolotl can breed starting when they are
just 6 months old.
Facts on Axolotl
1. Axolotl have an astonishing ability to regenerate body organs and lost limbs.
2. Axolotl can regrow the same limb up to 5 times. Then it stops.
3. The Axolotl is also over 1,000 times more resistant to cancer than mammals.
4. Axolotl can only be found in Mexico.
5. This Axolotl does not chew its food, it feeds by using suction.
6. As a bottom feeder, the Axolotl makes good use of gravel that gets sucked up
with food.
7. Although critically endangered, the Axolotl has very few predators.
8. The Axolotl anatomy has a very unique characteristic, known as neoteny.
9. The Mexican walking fish male and female are easy to identify.
10. The breeding ritual includes a dance.

Majchrzak, A. (2004). Animal Diversity Web. Retrieved from

San Diego Zoo. (n.d.). Retrieved from

World Land Trust. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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