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Kelompok 8R
1. M. Iqbal (16221010107)
2. Yusrin Nur Jazila (16221010107)
3. Luluk Ilmaknun (162210101077)
4. Intan Mauren O.S (162210101082)
5. Lady Refrina F. (162210101087)
6. Vinda Aisya Vira (162210101088)

Pengenalan Peranan Hasil

Deskripsi Singkat Cara Kerja

Bioinformatika berasal dari
kata “bioinformatics” yang artinya
(ilmu yang mempelajari) penerapan
teknik komputasional untuk
mengelola dan menganalisis
informasi biologis.

Mencari sekuen
Mencari DNA, sekuen
trandsduksi sinyal asam amino,
terkait dengan struktur protein,
protein tertentu dan domain
fungsional protein

Mencari struktur sekunder

suatu protein

✘ Here you have a list of items

✘ And some text
✘ But remember not to overload your slides
with content

Your audience will listen to you or read the

content, but won’t do both.
Deskripsi Singkat CREB
CREB adalah anggota dari keluarga Keterlibatan potensial CREB dalam
rusin leusin dasar faktor transkripsi. patofisiologi depresi didasarkan pada
CREB memainkan peran penting pengamatan bahwa pengobatan
dalam mengatur ekspresi gen dan dengan obat antidepresan dan
dalam pengembangan sistem saraf, kejutan elektrokonvulsif (ECS)
belajar, memori, dan kelangsungan menyebabkan peningkatan kadar
hidup. CREB di otak tikus

Mencari Sekuen Mencari Struktur Mencari

DNA, asam amino, Sekunder suatu TranduksiSinyal
struktur protein, & protein suatu protein
domain fungsional
2. Masuk pada 4. Masuk
Gen Bank pada OMIM
1. Masuk pada 3. Masuk pada NCBI
Entrez Gene Sequence Viewer
Bring the attention of your audience over a
key concept using icons or illustrations
Tampilan Entrez Gene

A complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image, namely
making it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly.
Want big impact? Use big image.
Use charts to explain your ideas

White Gray Black

And tables to compare data


Yellow 10 20 7

Blue 30 15 10

Orange 5 24 16
Let’s review some concepts

Yellow Blue Red

Is the color of gold, butter and Is the colour of the clear sky and Is the color of blood, and because
ripe lemons. In the spectrum of the deep sea. It is located of this it has historically been
visible light, yellow is found between violet and green on the associated with sacrifice, danger
between green and orange. optical spectrum. and courage.

Yellow Blue Red

Is the color of gold, butter and Is the colour of the clear sky and Is the color of blood, and because
ripe lemons. In the spectrum of the deep sea. It is located of this it has historically been
visible light, yellow is found between violet and green on the associated with sacrifice, danger
between green and orange. optical spectrum. and courage.
Android Project

Show and explain your web, app

or software projects using these
gadget templates. Place your screenshot here
iPhone Project

Show and explain your web, app

or software projects using these
gadget templates.
Place your screenshot here
Tablet Project

Show and explain your

web, app or software
projects using these
Place your screenshot here
gadget templates.
Desktop Project

Show and explain your

web, app or software
projects using these
gadget templates. Place your screenshot here
Any questions?
You can find me at
✘ @username

Special thanks to all the people who made and

released these awesome resources for free:
✘ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival
✘ Photographs by Unsplash
Presentation design

This presentation uses the following typographies and colors:

✘ Titles: Sniglet
✘ Body copy: Dosis
You can download the fonts on this page:,300,400,500,600,700,800|Sniglet:400
Click on the “arrow button” that appears on the top right

✘ Gray #3d4965
✘ Dark cornflower blue #3c78d8

You don’t need to keep this slide in your presentation. It’s only here to serve you as a design guide if you
need to create new slides or download the fonts to edit the presentation in PowerPoint®
SlidesCarnival icons are editable shapes.

This means that you can:

● Resize them without losing quality.
● Change fill color and opacity.

Isn’t that nice? :)

Now you can use any emoji as an icon!
And of course it resizes without losing quality and you can change the color.

How? Follow Google instructions

🎨🏈🏰🌏🔌🔑 and many more...

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