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Simple present and

Physical Description
Heidy Vanessa Martínez serna
Natalia Cañon Tenorio
Natalia Valencia Pasuy
Ficha: 1781203
Physical Description

 Natalia Cañon Tenorio

He has gray hair

and short
He has
Brown eyes
He has a beard
and a
He is short
He is seventy
seven year old
Physical Description
 Natalia Valencia Pasuy

He has black
hair and short
He has Brown

He has a beard
and a mustache

He is fifty
year old He is tall
Physical Description
 Heidy Vanessa Martínez serna
Height: -Short medium short
- - He has medium short
Tall medium hei black hair
ght tall

- he has medium
height tall
-He has brown eyes

-He is thirty nine years
old Others:
-He has a mustache
and a beard
Dialogo present simple

 Tenorio: Hello how are you, my name is willie Antony and my lasts name are colon
roman, what is you name?
 Valencia: Hello willie, fine thank you, my name is will smith and yours?
 Heidy: Hello mi name is Roberts and my lasts name green and I am thirty nine years old
and you willie?
 Tenorio: I am seventy seven years old, and you will?
 Valencia: I am fifty years old, where are you from willie?
 Tenorio: I from new York and you Roberts?
 Heidy: I am from Dominican Republic and you will?
 Valencia: I from new York, and you willie?
 Tenorio: I from new York
 Heidy: What do you do?
 Tenorio: I 'am a salsa singer
 Heidy: I'm a singer too, I sing gospel music
 Valencia: I'm an actor, Robert. What is your favorite movie?
Dialogo present simple

 Heidy: My favortite movie is war room and yours?

 Tenorio: My favorite movie is Cuban fury
 Valencia: My favorite movie is american pie
 Tenorio: Do you like vegetables will?
 Valencia: No, I don't like them, and you Robert?
 Heidy: No, I don't like them too, and you willie?
 Tenorio: yes. I do
 Valencia: when do you eat vegetables willie?
 Tenorio: I eat theam at noon
 Heidy: what do you like to do at night?
 Valencia: Enjoy with my family
 Tenorio: Be in concerts; and you Robert?
 Heidy: Go to the churchu

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