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Step to Kruskal’s algorithm:

Sort the graph edges with respect to their weights.

Start adding edges to the minimum spanning tree from the edge with the smallest weight until the edge of the
largest weight.
Only add edges which don’t form a cycle—edges which connect only disconnected components.
Or as a simpler explanation,
Step 1 – Remove all loops and parallel edges
Step 2 – Arrange all the edges in ascending order of cost
Step 3 – Add edges with least weight
But how do you check whether two vertices are connected or not? That’s where the real-life example of Disjoint Sets
come into use.
Initialize integer variable MAX
Create Int array id[MAX]
Initialize node nodes and edges
Function initialize()
For loop i = 0 ; I <MAX; i++
i value stored to Id[i]
End For loop
Function root of integer x
While(id[x] value Not Equal to x value)
id[id[x]] is stored to id[x]
id[x] = is stored to x
End While loop
return x
Function union of int x and y
Root of x is stored to p
Root of y is stored to q
Root of q is stored to p
Function long long Kruskal with p[] argu
Initialize x and y
Initialize cost and minimumcost = 0
For with i=0; i less then edges;++i
P[i].second.first is stored to x
P[i].second.first is stored to y
P[i].first is stored to cost
If(root(x) not equal to root(y))
Minimumcost += cost;
Call union with (x,y);
End if
End for loop
Return minimumCost
Initialize x and y
Initialize weight, cost, minimumcost;
Call initialize()
Get the input nodes;
Get the input nodes;
For i=0; I less then edges;++i
Get input x and y and weight
Call make_pair function with ( weight, make_pair(x,y))
End For loop
Call sort(p,p+edges);
Call Kruskal(p) stroe value to minimumCost
Print minimumCost value

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