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Procedur Text


Member of group 1 :
1. Fredryk Ferdinandus (201601158)
2. Fajar Imaniyah L. (201601160)
3. Aisiah Ambarwati (201601171)
4. Katarina Ningsi T. (201601186)
5. Nawang Wulandari (201601190)
6. Erviandika A. (201601194)
How to make soto ayam

The equipment used to make soto ayam are :

 Pan
 Paddle
 Spoon
 Bowl
 Stove
 Knife
The ingredients used to make soto ayam are :
 Instant soto seasoning
 Chicken broth
 Vegetables ( cabbage,celery,sprouts )
 Egg
 Fried chicken
 Rice
 Koya from crackers
 Lime
 Chili sauce
 Soy sauce
 Flavoring
 Salt
 Fried onion
Procedur to make soto ayam are :
1) Pour the chicken broth using a paddle into the pan
2) Turn on the stove and heat the broth
3) Add the soto seasoning instantly and flavoring and salt
4) Take a bowl and add enough rice
5) Put in vegetables to bowl
6) Put in salt and lime
7) Slice the chicken as a side dish with the egg
8) Pour the soto broth into a bowl
9) Add fried onions, chili sauce and soy sauce
10) At the last step serve soto ayam and ready to
Nutrition Status of Soto Ayam

1. Protein : egg, chicken

2. Carbohidrate : rice
3. Fats : chicken broth
4. Minaral : broth
This can’t enough vitamins
because this food not have
vitamin but have 4 nutrition.
Nutrition of one bowl soto
• Energi 1306kj (312 kkal)
• Fat 14,92g
• Protein 24,01g
• Carbohydrate 19,55g
Group think this food is not bad and not
good. Because for to make soto ayam
with instantly soto seasoning not make
lonely. For the instantly have substance
content and this is not good if we are
eaten there.

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