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Environmental monitoring

Etymology: monēre (lat.) = worn: something or someone that warns, an overseer

Monitoring = someone who gives a warning so that a mistake can be avoided
= the act of observing something or to: keep watch, keep track of,
keep under surveillance or check usually for a special purpose.
You cannot recognize, understand, improve or maintain what you do not or
cannot measure.

Monitoring provides valuable tools that offer indicative measures of:

•Ecological and Environmental Resources

•Economic Development and Growth
•Social Structure and Dynamics.

Environmental monitoring
The scale of
become wisdom

Environmental monitoring
Emissions from an industrial plant

Environmental monitoring
Global Monitoring for Environment and Security GMES
Innovation in Global Public Goods
(video clips 1 and 2)

Environmental monitoring
Continuous monitoring equipment

Environmental monitoring
Example of data recording
for 1 day and for 1 year of
CO concentration

Environmental monitoring

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