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Logistic Growth

Nama Anggota Kelompok:

1. Betari Destiyaningsasi 16030174010
2. Novenia Hiskia W. 16030174036
3. Alfiyana Nur R. 16030174045
4. Lihitta Dwita 16030174076
5. Aidatul Masrurroh 16030174083
Exponential Growth and Decay

• P is varies at a rate directly proportional to the value of P
• r is the rate constant
When r > 0, the equation represents exponential growth
When r < 0, the equation represents exponential decay
• t is time
Simple Inhibited Growth

• K is carrying capacity or equilibrium value (always assumed positive)
• P is varies at a rate directly proportional to the value of P
If P starts less than K, the growth of P is positive (assuming r > 0) until P is equal to K, at which point the
growth of P diminishes to 0.
If P is greater than K, then the growth of P is negative, which means P will decrease until it reaches K.
• r is the rate constant
• t is time
Logistic Growth
Logistic growth deals with growth rates that are directly proportional to both of these quantities:

Where r = r’K
• K is carrying capacity or equilibrium value (always assumed positive)
• P is varies at a rate directly proportional to the value of P
• r is called the intrinsic growth rate
• t is time
A population of bacteria in a culture is 50 million, and is growing at a rate of 2
million per hour. Assume the carrying capacity is 1 billion. Use one million as a base unit.

a) Write the logistic differential equation using the data.

b) Find the solution to the logistic model of (a) and simulate the solution using MATLAB.

c) Use the model to predict the population in hours ( hours), and days from now.

d) Use the model to estimate when the population will reach half the carrying capacity.

e) What is your conclusion based on the result of (b), (c), and (d)? Explain.
a) Write the logistic differential equation using the data.

b) Find the solution to the logistic model of (a) and simulate the solution using MATLAB.
c) (Di Excel) Use the model to predict the population in hours ( hours), and days from now.
d) Use the model to estimate when the population will reach half the carrying capacity.

e) What is your conclusion based on the result of (b), (c), and (d)? Explain.

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