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Question 01

Lasmuk Private Limited is a Zimbabwean company specialising in

metal prefabrication. The economic situation has resulted in
unavailability of the much-needed steel, forcing the organisation to
look beyond the boarders for supplies of raw materials.

As a leader of a negotiating team sent to Zambia to

negotiate procurement modalities, highlight the factors
you would consider in your preparation for the impending
Negotiating Team 02


R191298R R115156P R082458G R191189M


R191184Y R191201K R191260C R191182R
Negotiation Plan Toolkit 03

Objective Team Meeting Set Up Research Dry run Tactics BATNA

Cleary define why Assemble a Decide on the Conduct background Prepare your team, Decide on the Secure a fallback
you are engaged properly constituted suitable location checks about the know your negotiation position, be
into this negotiation team with relevant and date for the products, supplier, strengths and philosophy and prepared to settle
and what you want experts. meeting. alternative market. weaknesses. approach. for plan B.
to achieve.
Set Your Mission and Objectives 04

01 - WAP
- Currency
- Discounts

02 - Quality
- Quantity
- Warranties

03 Shipping
- Freight
- Logistics
- Clearing

04 Credit Terms
- Interest rate
- Tenure
- Collateral
Set Up the Team 05

1 Create Sub Teams 2 Appoint Lead Negotiator 3 Assign Roles 4 Communicate The Agenda
Assign members into Specific tasks for each Objectives of the
Elect and empower the chief
subgroups based on their member may include negotiation are shared
negotiator who shall be
technical skills set. A preparation of a with all team members for
responsible for moderating
balanced team must have presentation, taking , alignment.
flow of the bargaining
finance, legal , procurement minutes, time management
process to avoid confusion.
and engineering resources.
Setting Up The Meeting 06

Venue Selection Site Touring

Suppliers’ Zambia’s office is ideal, Insist on get a slot for touring the
as this allows appreciation of site to have a feel on the range of
overall capacity of the supplier. products available and stock levels

Travel Logistics Web Conference Resources

Secure air tickets, airport transfers Request for web conference
and accommodation in advance to services in advance to allow some
avoid inconvenience. members to join the negotiation
remotely to save on travel costs.

Weather Forecast Security

Check suitability of the weather Assess the security situation in the
and prepare the team accordingly. in neighborhood of the your
Postpone the meeting if violent selected hotel and meeting venue.
weather is expected.
Background Research 07

Supplier Supplier Alternative Environmental

Historical Reviews Suppliers


o Production statistics o Product reviews from recent customers. o Price benchmark o Trade relations with Zimbabwe
o Supplier’s social media reviews.
o Annual Turnover o Quality benchmark o Currency and exchange rates
o Embassy reference checks.
o PBT o Credit Options o Taxes and duty
o Zimtrade reference checks.
o Market share o Other markets o Political atmosphere

o Language and culture.

Know The Tactics 07

Fixing Signoff Ceremony Date Bring in the dancer

o This is used to coerce the other party into o The other party spends a lot of time saying
agreeing to a proposal if this date approaches. a lot of things which don't make sense as a
o Never agree to this arrangement, work with way of distraction.
an open arrangement.

Balloon futures The walkout

o Suppliers tend to make unrealistic inflated The other party deliberately walks out of a negotiation
future price and production forecasts. to show disinterest. Let them walk out. If they do not
o Always rely on historical and current come back, leave. Do not call them.

Calling a higher authority Re-trading the deal

o The other party says that they are unable to The opposite party attempts to reopen points from
make a final decision or won't tell you who the the negotiation after agreement has been reached.
final decision maker is. This is also called "forgotten issue.” Simply say no.
o Stop negotiating until you are discussing directly .
with that decision maker

Proposal Proof Mock Presentation Connectivity Testing


Check grammar and spellings Present to your peers  Storage device and back-up
Verify numericals Review feedback Check online storage access
Verify final bids Incorporate changes Check web conference access
Cross check content adequacy Set duration of the presentation
BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) 09


Gives basis for arguing a better Knowledge is power, BATNA A "walk away point or price." WAP
If the negotiation fails, a fall back
Is when parties agree to step away to
package. BATNA takes away gives you the power to position is available. You can not end the negotiations because options
demand a better deal that are unacceptable.
the ignorance be forced is into a sour deal when
of accepting the only offer on what is offered elsewhere. there is plan B.
the table.

Advise from
the art of war

“If I had eight hours to chop down a tree,

I’d spend six sharpening my axe.” Abraham

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