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Patient’s Expression and


Group 3
1. Rika Febrianti
2. Septi Lingga sari
3. Siti Barokah
4. Selvi Rosanti
5. Wulandari
Definitions of Expression
Facial expressions or mimics are the result of one or
more movements or positions of muscles on the face.
Facial expression is one form of nonverbal
communication, and can convey the emotional state
of a person to the person who observed it. Facial
expressions are one of the most important ways of
delivering social messages in human life
Definition of expression in patients

The expression in patients is a form of non-verbal

communication, which can convey the emotional state
of the patient to the nurse who observed it.
The indicated expression of the patient generally
corresponds to the complaint as well as the diagnosis of
nursing in the patient's natural, such as:

1. Grimace
2. Restless
3. Pale looking
4. Sweating
5. Anxious
6. Angry
7. Fear
8. Shame and no confidence

Conditions are situations or circumstances that exist in

individuals both outside and inside.
Health conditions are a matter of fitness and the
goodness of a person's body (KBBI). No information
about the condition of the patient can be excluded
unless the patient's name is given by the applicant.
Hospitals may not release the name of the patient. When
requesting a patient condition renewal, you must first
provide a media representative with the patient's full
General condition criteria in
1. Good Consists of:
• Full Awareness
• Vital Signs (TTV)
• Fulfillment of Independent needs
2. Moderate
• Full awareness up to apathy
• Stable Vital Sign
• Require medical action & require observation
• Fulfilling the needs in partially and completely
3. Bad
• Full Awareness
• Unstable Vital Sign
• Vital organ aids
• Need treatment and intensive care action
• Requires proper observation
• Fulfilment of fully assisted needs.
Example in Wh -Questions
1. Q: What does she make ?
A: The nurse makes observations and physical
2. Q : What does she need?
A : The patient with poor conditions needs observation and
assitive devices of vital organs
1.Q : what does she/he have?
A : The patient has a heart attack with symptom of shortness of

2. Q: who does she attache a monitor to?

A : The nurse attaches a monitor to the patient determine his heart

3. Q : What does she look ?

A : The patient looks pale and weakly compiled on observation.

4. Q : how long does she observe?

A : The Nurse observes the patient for 15 minutes

5. Q : what does she complain?

A : The patient complains of pain in his abdomen
6. Q: who does she/he replace?
A: The nurse replaces the fluid runoff

7.Q: what do they measure?

A : The nurses measure blood preasure when the patient comes to the hospital ?

8. Q: how does she /he appear?

A: The patient with symptoms of pain appears to grimace

9. Q: what must your first provide?

A : You must first provide the media reprehensive with the patient’s full name

10.`Q: what will she report?

A : The nurse will report or confirm a patient dead only after signed consent from
next of kind
Has = verb
What does she have?
She has an aching in her back body

Has : auxiliary verb

What has she got?
She has got an aching in her back body

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