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The On-the-go Grazers

Survives on mini meals, takeouts, and junk food as they

race through busy lives. (Relatively younger audience for
whom health is never a concern)

The Do-as-I Pleasers

Love what they eat – eat what they love. Love to go

explore new foods and don’t mind indulging in food

The Healthy Foodie

Trying out new tastes and foods but with a filter of health
and nutrition

The Busy Belonger

Demanding schedules but yet looking to catch up with

friends, colleagues, family over food. Look for food
options that can be conveniently shared, and order from
places that cater to everyone’s needs

The Wellness Activist

Regardless of schedules – this audience makes time for

health. Staying fit is a way of life and are practitioners of
health and wellness eating.

The Habitual Pragmatists

Undecided health conscious eaters who seek new food

but feel guilty easily and come back to normal healthy
food options. The healthy food flirters who can’t give up
easily on sumptuous foods.

The Comfort Cravers

The comfort cravers find solace in the comforts of food

they know and love. They are not too experimentative
when it comes to tastes. Stick to taste palates.

The Tired Survivors

The tired survivors are constantly seeking convenient,

quick eating options – and don’t fuss on taste. They often
suffer from weight and health issues due to their
unscheduled food times

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