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1 Context-Free Grammars

Theory of Computation
Prof. Ts Dr. Zainab Abu Bakar FASc
Michael Sipser (2013). Introduction to the
Theory of Computation. Thomson, 3th
2.0 Context-Free Languages
2.1 Context-Free Grammars
2.2 Pushdown Automata
2.3 Non-Context-Free Languages
2.4 Deterministic Context-Free Languages
2.0 Context-Free Languages
• In pervious lectures, we introduced two different,
though equivalent, methods of describing languages:
finite automata and regular expressions.
• We showed that many languages can be described in
this way but that some simple languages, such as
{0n1n| n ≥ 0}, cannot.
• In this chapter we present context-free grammars, a
more powerful method of describing languages.
• Such grammars can describe certain features that
have a recursive structure, which makes them useful
in a variety of applications

2.0 Context-Free Languages
• Context-free grammars were first used in the
study of human languages.
– One way of understanding the relationship of
terms such as noun, verb, and preposition and
their respective phrases leads to a natural
recursion because noun phrases may appear
inside verb phrases and vice versa.
• Context-free grammars help us organize and
understand these relationships.
2.0 Context-Free Languages
• An important application of context-free grammars
occurs in the specification and compilation of
programming languages.
• A grammar for a programming language often
appears as the language syntax.
• Most compilers and interpreters contain a
component called a parser that extracts the meaning
of a program prior to generating the compiled code
or performing the interpreted execution.
• A number of methodologies facilitate the
construction of a parser once a context-free
grammar is available.
2.0 Context-Free Languages
• The collection of languages associated with
context-free grammars are called the
context-free languages.
• They include all the regular languages and
many additional languages.
• Pushdown automata, a class of machines
recognizing the context-free languages ang
shows additional insight into the power of
context-free grammars
2.1 Context-Free Grammars
• A grammar consists of a collection of substitution rules,
also called productions.
• Each rule appears as a line in the grammar, comprising a
symbol and a string separated by an arrow.
• The symbol is called a variable represented by capital
• The string consists of variables and other symbols called
terminals. The terminals are analogous to the input
alphabet and often are represented by lowercase letters,
numbers, or special symbols.
• One variable is designated as the start variable. It usually
occurs on the left-hand side of the topmost rule.
2.1 Context-Free Grammars
• You use a grammar to describe a language by
generating each string of that language in the
following manner.
1. Write down the start variable. It is the variable on
the left-hand side of the top rule, unless specified
2. Find a variable that is written down and a rule that
starts with that variable. Replace the written
down variable with the right-hand side of that
3. Repeat step 2 until no variables remain.
2.1 Context-Free Grammars
• A context-free grammar, G1.
A → 0A1
• For example, grammar G1 contains three
• G1’s variables are A and B, where A is the
start variable.
• Its terminals are 0, 1, and #.
2.1 Context-Free Grammars
• For example, grammar G1 generates the
string 000#111.
• The sequence of substitutions to obtain a
string is called a derivation.
• A derivation of string 000#111 in
grammar G1 is

A ⇒ 0A1 ⇒ 00A11 ⇒ 000A111 ⇒ 000B111 ⇒ 000#111

2.1 Context-Free Grammars
2.1 Context-Free Grammars
• We write L(G1) for the language of grammar G1.
• Some experimentation with the grammar G1 shows
us that L(G1) is {0n#1n| n ≥ 0}
• Any language that can be generated by some
context-free grammar is called a context-free
language (CFL).
• When presenting a context-free grammar, we
abbreviate several rules with the same left-hand
variable, such as A → 0A1 and A → B, into a single
line A → 0A1 | B, using the symbol “ | ” as an “or”
2.1 Context-Free Grammars
• A context-free grammar, called G2, describes a
fragment of the English language.
⟨ARTICLE⟩ → a | the
⟨NOUN⟩ → boy | girl | flower
⟨VERB⟩ → touches | likes | sees
⟨PREP⟩ → with
• Grammar G2 has ? Variables; ? terminals; ? rules
2.1 Context-Free Grammars
• The following is a derivation of a boy sees
⇒ a boy ⟨VERB-PHRASE⟩
⇒ a boy ⟨CMPLX-VERB⟩
⇒ a boy ⟨VERB⟩
⇒ a boy sees
2.1 Context-Free Grammars
• Write the derivation fot the following
the boy sees a flower
a girl with a flower likes the boy
2.1.1 Formal Definition

• If u, v, and w are strings of variables and terminals, and A → w is

a rule of the grammar, we say that uAv yields uwv, written uAv
⇒ uwv.
• Say that u derives v, written u *⇒ v, if u = v or if a sequence u1,
u2, . . . , uk exists for k ≥ 0 and u ⇒ u1 ⇒ u2 ⇒ . . . ⇒ uk ⇒ v
• The language of the grammar is {w ∈ Σ∗| S ∗⇒ w}.
2.1.2 Examples Of Context-free
Example 2.3
• Consider grammar G3 = ({S}, {a, b},R, S). The set of rules, R,
is S → aSb | SS | ε.
• This grammar generates strings such as abab, aaabbb, and
• You can see more easily what this language is if you think of
a as a left parenthesis “(” and b as a right parenthesis “)”.
• Viewed in this way, L(G3) is the language of all strings of
properly nested parentheses.
• Observe that the right-hand side of a rule may be the
empty string ε.
2.1.2 Examples Of Context-free
Example 2.4
• Consider grammar G4 = (V,Σ,R, ⟨EXPR⟩).
• V is {⟨EXPR⟩, ⟨TERM⟩, ⟨FACTOR⟩} and Σ is {a,
+, x, (, )}. The rules are
⟨FACTOR⟩ → ( ⟨EXPR⟩ ) | a
• The two strings a+axa and (a+a)xa can be
generated with grammar G4.
2.1.2 Examples Of Context-free
2.1.2 Examples Of Context-free
• Grammar G4 describes a fragment of a programming
language concerned with arithmetic expressions.
• Observe how the parse trees in Figure 2.5 “group” the
• The tree for a+axa groups the x operator and its operands
(the second two a’s) as one operand of the + operator
• In the tree for (a+a)xa, the grouping is reversed.
• These groupings fit the standard precedence of
multiplication before addition and the use of parentheses
to override the standard precedence
• Grammar G4 is designed to capture these precedence
2.1.3 Designing Context-free
• First, many CFLs are the union of simpler CFLs
• If you must construct a CFG for a CFL that you
can break into simpler pieces, do so and then
construct individual grammars for each piece.
• These individual grammars can be easily
merged into a grammar for the original
language by combining their rules and then
adding the new rule S → S1 | S2 | · · · | Sk, where
the variables Si are the start variables for the
individual grammars.
2.1.3 Designing Context-free
• To get a grammar for the language
• first construct the grammar
S1 → 0 S1 1 | ε
• for the language {0n1n| n ≥ 0} and the grammar
S2 → 1 S2 0 | ε
• for the language {0n1n| n ≥ 0} and then add the rule S
→ S1 | S2 to give the grammar
S → S1 | S2
S1 → 0 S1 1 | ε
S2 → 1 S2 0 | ε
2.1.3 Designing Context-free
• Second, constructing a CFG for a language that happens to
be regular is easy if you can first construct a DFA for that
language. You can convert any DFA into an equivalent CFG
as follows.
• Make a variable Ri for each state qi of the DFA.
• Add the rule Ri → aRj to the CFG if δ(qi, a) = qj is a transition
in the DFA.
• Add the rule Ri → ε if qi is an accept state of the DFA.
• Make R0 the start variable of the grammar, where q0 is the
start state of the machine.
• Verify on your own that the resulting CFG generates the
same language that the DFA recognizes.
2.1.3 Designing Context-free
• Third, certain context-free languages contain strings
with two substrings that need to remember an
unbounded amount of one of the substrings to verify
that it corresponds properly to the other substring.
• Occurs in the language {0n1n| n ≥ 0} because a
machine would need to remember the number of 0s
in order to verify that it equals the number of 1s.
• Construct a CFG to handle this situation by using a
rule of the form R → uRv, which generates strings
wherein the portion containing the u’s corresponds
to the portion containing the v’s.
2.1.3 Designing Context-free
• Finally, in more complex languages, the strings
may appear recursively as part of other (or the
same) structures as in example 2.4.
• Any time the symbol a appears, an entire
parenthesized expression might appear
recursively instead.
• To achieve this effect, place the variable symbol
generating the structure in the location of the
rules corresponding to where that structure
may recursively appear.
2.1.4 Ambiguity
• Sometimes a grammar can generate the
same string in several different ways thus
have several different parse trees and
thus several different meanings.
• If a grammar generates the same string
in several different ways the string is
derived ambiguously in that grammar.
• Thus the grammar is ambiguous.
2.1.4 Ambiguity
• Consider grammar G5:
⟨EXPR⟩ → ⟨EXPR⟩+⟨EXPR⟩ | ⟨EXPR⟩x⟨EXPR⟩ | ( ⟨EXPR⟩ ) | a
• This grammar generates the string a+axa
2.1.4 Ambiguity
• When a grammar generates a string ambiguously,
this implies that the string has two different parse
trees, not two different derivations.
• Two derivations may differ merely in the order in
which they replace variables yet not in their overall
• To concentrate on structure, a derivation of a string
w in a grammar G is a leftmost derivation if at every
step the leftmost remaining variable is the one
2.1.4 Ambiguity

• Sometimes when we have an ambiguous grammar we can

find an unambiguous grammar that generates the same
• Some context-free languages, however, can be generated
only by ambiguous grammars. Such languages are called
inherently ambiguous.
• Problem 2.29 asks you to prove that the language
{aibjck| i = j or j = k} is inherently ambiguous.
2.1.5 Chomsky Normal Form

• When working with context-free grammars, it is often

convenient to have them in simplified form called Chomsky
normal form
2.1.5 Chomsky Normal Form
Theorem 2.9
• Any context-free language is generated by a context-free
grammar in Chomsky normal form.

Proof Idea
• We can convert any grammar G into Chomsky normal form.
• First, we add a new start variable.
• Then, we eliminate all ε-rules of the form A → ε.
• We also eliminate all unit rules of the form A → B.
• In both cases we patch up the grammar to be sure that it still
generates the same language.
• Finally, we convert the remaining rules into the proper form.
2.1.5 Chomsky Normal Form
• First, we add a new start variable S0 and
the rule S0 → S, where S was the original
start variable.
2.1.5 Chomsky Normal Form
• Second, we take care of all ε-rules.
– remove an ε-rule A → ε, where A is not the start
– Then for each occurrence of an A on the right-hand side
of a rule, add a new rule with that occurrence deleted.
– In other words, if R → uAv is a rule in which u and v are
strings of variables and terminals, we add rule R → uv.
– We do so for each occurrence of an A, so the rule R →
uAvAw causes us to add R → uvAw, R → uAvw, and R →
– If we have the rule R → A, we add R → ε unless we had
previously removed the rule R → ε.
– Repeat these steps until we eliminate all ε-rules not
involving the start variable.
2.1.5 Chomsky Normal Form
• Third, we handle all unit rules.
– We remove a unit rule A → B.
– Then, whenever a rule B → u appears, we add the rule A
→ u unless this was a unit rule previously removed.
– As before, u is a string of variables and terminals.
– Repeat these steps until we eliminate all unit rules.
• Finally, we convert all remaining rules into the
proper form.
– We replace each rule A → u1u2 · · · uk, where k ≥ 3 and
each ui is a variable or terminal symbol with the rules A
→ u1A1, A1 → u2A2, → u3A3, . . . , and Ak−2 → uk−1uk. The Ai’s
are new variables.
– We replace any terminal ui in the preceding rule(s) with
the new variable Ui and add the rule Ui → ui
2.1.6 CFG -> Chomsky Normal Form

Example 2.10
• Let G6 be the following CFG and convert it to
Chomsky normal form by using the
conversion procedure just given.
• The series of grammars presented illustrates
the steps in the conversion.
• Rules shown in blue have just been added.
• Rules shown in red have just been removed.
2.1.6 CFG -> Chomsky Normal Form

1. The original CFG G6 is shown on the left. The result

of applying the first step to make a new start
variable appears on the right.

S → ASA | aB S0 → S
A→B|S S → ASA | aB
B→b|ε A→B|S
2.1.6 CFG -> Chomsky Normal Form

2. Remove ε-rules B → ε, shown on the left, and A →

ε, shown on the right.

S0 → S S0 → S
S → ASA | aB | a S → ASA | aB | a | SA | AS | S
A→B|S|ε A→B|S|ε
B→b|ε B→b
2.1.6 CFG -> Chomsky Normal Form
3a. Remove unit rules S → S, shown on the left,
and S0 → S, shown on the right.

S0 → S S0 → S | ASA | aB | a | SA | AS
S → ASA | aB | a | SA | AS S → ASA | aB | a | SA | AS
B→b B→b
2.1.6 CFG -> Chomsky Normal Form

3b. Remove unit rules A → B and A → S

S0 → ASA | aB | a | SA | AS S0 → ASA | aB | a | SA | AS
S → ASA | aB | a | SA | AS S → ASA | aB | a | SA | AS
A→B|S|b A → S | b | ASA | aB | a | SA | AS
B→b B→b
2.1.6 CFG -> Chomsky Normal Form
4. Convert the remaining rules into the proper
form by adding additional variables and rules. The
final grammar in Chomsky normal form is
equivalent to G6

S0 → AA1 | UB | a | SA | AS
S → AA1 | UB | a | SA | AS
A → b | AA1 | UB | a | SA | AS
A1 → SA
• 2.1-2.6

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