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Digital Home Inspections is a professional full-service home

inspection company, serving all of the Maricopa County areas,
including Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale, Mesa & Beyond. All of our
Home Inspectors are State Certified, Fully Insured and are
experienced and professional in every aspect. Our professional
office support staff is there for you to answer your questions and
help in any way possible.
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Improvement Ideas to Increase
the Value of Your Home
From enormous too small, we have home improvements that include up to a
tremendous boost in the value of your home!
Additional bathroom

This may be the finest home enhancement you'll make. After all, can we
ever have enough bathrooms? An extra washroom makes greater
functionality of a home, while also expanding resale value. Not beyond
any doubt where you could possibly squeeze in an extra bathroom? There
is usually an assortment of hidden opportunities in homes. This may be an
underutilized closet space within the basement, or “stealing” a small
space from a room or corridor, says Frellick. Check out a few secrets to
locking down the sale of your home faster.
New flooring
Take a look beneath your carpet and you will find a home enhancement ready to go.
Hardwood and tile floors include a level of warmth and are a positive return on
investment. Hardwoods, cover, and tile floors are less demanding to clean and aren’t
magnets for dust and soil, so they’re perfect for individuals who endure from

New floor plan

One of the things that tend to date home and possibly turn off buyers is the floor
plan. Today’s buyers all need an open concept floor plan, where the kitchen is
open to a family room. Thumping out a wall or two to achieve this is often usually
doable, depending on the structure. But don’t take on this assignment in case
you’re not a professional. Binge-watching Fixer Upper may get your wheels
turning but, you likely shouldn’t DIY these domestic improvements.
Go green
Once you include green energy features to your home, the appeal and esteem are
increased instantly. Make a clean clear all through the whole house. Change all light
bulbs to CFLs, buy low-energy apparatuses, supplant toilets and showers with low-flow
features, swap old windows for energy-efficient ones, channel your nozzle water so
you'll be able to ditch the plastic bottles, and include a programmable thermostat so
you'll turn down the warm after you are gone during the day

However, the final verdict can be given by a professional Home Inspector to help you
increase the value of your home. In any case, you’re looking for a
professional home inspection service, we’re right here at your doorstep!
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Phone : 480-563-1800

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