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She studies

[[She] [studies]]

[[She] [[is] [studying]]]

[The girl is studying English]

[[The girl] [is studying English]]

[[[The] [girl]] [[is studying] [English]]]

[[[ The] [girl] ] [[[is] [studying]] [English]]]

Immediate Constituent Analysis
[I come and she goes]

[[I come] and [she goes]]

[I will buy a new car if I have enough money]

[[I will buy a new car] [[if] [I have enough money]]]

[[[I] [will buy a new car]] [[if] [[I] [have enough money]]]]

[[[I] [[will buy] [a new car]]] [[if] [[I] [[have] [enough money]]]]]

[[[I] [[[will] [buy]] [[a] [new car]]]] [[if] [[I] [[have] [[enough] [money]]]]]]

[[[I] [[[will] [buy]] [[a] [[new] [car]]]]] [[if] [[I] [[have] [[enough] [money]]]]]]

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