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Assembly Line

By. Adriana C. and Andrianna K.

What is the assembly line?

The assembly line is a manufacturing process where each

worker is assigned a task to make products.
Who created the assembly line?
Ransom E. Olds invented the assembly line but Henry Ford created
the first working assembly line.

Ransom E. Olds Henry Ford

Who is Ransom E. Olds and Henry Ford?

- Ransom Olds was one of the first mass-producers of automobiles and

inspired an entire generation to explore the possibilities of the emerging auto
- Henry Ford was one of America's foremost industrialists, Henry Ford
revolutionized assembly-line modes of production for the automobile.
During the “Roaring 20’s” the assembly line impacted American culture in both
positive and negative ways. The assembly line was a manufacturing process where
individual parts of a larger product are put together in a specific order. The assembly
line impacted American culture in a negative way because companies like Ford
would double their workers and reduce their pay. This was not good for many of the
workers because at the time people needed money and the Great Depression would
be hitting them soon. The assembly line also impacted American culture in a positive
way because products were made quicker and in a larger quality. It helped the
companies gain fame and many people wanted to buy the product. Although the
assembly line had a positive and a negative impact in American culture, it helped our
society grow as a whole, work together and get through rough times like the Great
the Depression.
Where was the assembly line created?

The creation of the assembly line by Henry Ford was at his

Highland Park plant.

- The Highland Park Ford Plant is a former Ford Motor

Company factory located in Highland Park, Michigan.
When was the assembly line Created?

It was created in 1913, when Henry Ford installed the first

moving assembly line. His innovation reduced the time it took to
build a car from more than 12 hours to two hours and 30
Why was the assembly line so important in the 1920s?
It allowed vehicles to be produced less expensively for both the
consumer and the company. It saved the companies money by
helping them pay less for their labor per vehicle produced.
Negative impacts of the Assembly Line.
The pay was very high, but the hours were long and work became
like a chore. The workers had to do the same thing over and over
Family of workers would send
concerning letters to the companie:

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