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UC 01502:


Assignment 1:
Essay Writing (30%)
Soalan 1:

 Salah faham lebih mudah berlaku apabila kita

berkomunikasi melalui pesanan teks daripada
komunikasi bersemuka. Dengan menggunakan
contoh-contoh petikan pesanan teks
 Misunderstanding happened more often when
we communicate through text messages than
face to face. By using examples of text messages,
discuss it.

 Makna sesuatu komunikasi adalah dipengaruh oleh

unsur-unsur budaya seorang dan tempat. Dengan
menggunakan contoh-contoh budaya yang diamalkan
oleh masyarakat berbilang etnik /bangsa sama ada di
Malaysia atau di negara luar, bincangkan bagaimana
bahasa mencerminkan makna komunikasi.
 Meaning of a communication is much determined by
cultural factors of the people or a place. By using
examples of cultural practices of different ethnics or races
in Malaysia or in different part of the world, discuss how
language mirrors the meaning of communication.
ESSAY (30%)
1) Essay writing: Do one essay question only.
 Group : 6-8 members

 Essay of 18-24 pages (3 pages each person- content

 Double spacing

 Font - New Times Romans 12 or Tahoma 11

 Contents:
 Introduction
 Discussion
 Conclusion
 References
 Appendices
ESSAY (30%)
 Working period: Week 6-10
 Submission Date: Week 10 (hand in your bound
essay. One group one essay)
 Presentation: Week 10-14

 All essay must be presented in class

 Each member must present a part of the
 Duration: 5 minutes/student

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