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Serow Serow
These are Goat like Which are medium sized or antelope like
mammals of genius Capricornis. They have Long soft hair on
the neck.
Scientific name :Capricornis crispus
Taxonomy:K-Animalia, P-Chordata, C- Mammalia, O-
Family:Bovidae, Sf-Caprinae
Geographical location :Japan & Taiwan to western India.
They live in same territory for 11.6to 12.4yrs. Life span-max20yr
Length:Sumatran serow-1.4m
Weight :Japanese serow – 43kg
Sumatran serow – 95kg
Gestation period :Japanese – 213days , Sumatran -231days
Age at puberty :8to 13yr of age
Features :The legs of Himalaya serow are reddish brown
above the knee & Dirty white beneath. They show limited
sexual dimorphism. The preorbital glands are enlarged and
sused for scent marking & indicating the oestrous status of
Clawless otter
Clawless otter
Scientific name:Aonyx capensis
Taxonomy:K-Animalia, P-Chordata, C-Mammalia, O-
Carnivora, F-Mustelidae
These are also know as Cape clawless otter r groot otter &is
second largest Freshwater species of otter found near
permanent water bodies near Savannah and lowland
forest areas.
Diet:Primarily water dwelling animals like crabs, fish, frog,
worms. They dive after prey to catch it & swim to the shore
to eat.
Gestation period :63days, gives 2to 3 young in a litter,
weaned at 45 to 60 days
Age at puberty :1yr Old
Oestrous :Oestrous cycle is 28days with 3days of oestrus

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