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• The Great Pyramid of Kufu was constructed
THE GREAT between 2548 and 2561 BCE.

PYRAMID OF • It was the tallest man-made structure in the

KHUFU world at the time.
• Excavations of the pyramid didn’t start till late
1800s to early 1900s
• The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were said to
THE HANGING be constructed by King Nebuchadnezzar the 2nd
as a gift to his Homesick wife Amytis. The exact
GARDENS OF location of the gradens is unknown but
BABYLON speculation suggest that they were outside of the
palace of Babylon.
• The Statue of Zeus was crafted by Phidias an
STATUE OF Athenian Sculptor around the mid- fith century.
ZEUS AT • The Statue was moved by The Roman Emporor
OLYMPIA of Constantinople where it later was destroyed
in a fire.
• The Colossus of Rhodes was a giant statue of the
Sun God Helios it was made entirely of Bronze it
COLOSSUS OF took 12 years to complete.
RHODES • According to legend Macedonia attacked the
Rhodians and the tools left behind were used to
pay for the Colossus.
• The Temple of Artemis was actually a series of
altars and temples that were destroyed and then
TEMPLE OF restored on the same site at Ephesus.
ARTEMIS AT • It was burned on July 21, 356 B.C which is the
EPHESUS same night Alexander the Great was Born.
• The Lighthouse of Alexandria was located
LIGHTHOUSE on the small island of Pharos which was right
OF near the city of Alexandria. It was completed
ALEXANDRIA around 270 B.C. It helped guide Nile river ships
in and out of the city's harbor.
• The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was a tomb
built by Artemisia for her Husband Mausolus,
MAUSOLEUM AT King of Carnia in Asia Minor. It was made
HALICARNASSUS entirely of White Marble and is thought to have
been about 135 feet high.

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