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Breast feeding

Breast feeding

 Benefits for the child:

 It is the ultimate food your baby needs with the right mix of nutrients, in
an easily digestible form. No formula can meet a baby’s needs as well as
mother’s milk.
 Vitamins, enzymes, and minerals in breast milk keeps baby’s intestinal tract
 It contains antibodies that protect your infant from infections and diseases.
 It keeps your child hydrated.
 Reduces the chances of allergies such as eczema and asthma.
 Cholesterol in breastmilk promotes brain growth, intestinal bile, and
hormonal balance.
 Even a mother suffering from malnutrition produces heathy milk for her baby.
 Benefits for the mother:
 It’s free and does not require any preparation.
 Breast feeding strengthens the bond between the mother and the child.
 It helps you lose weight by burning calories.
 Breastfeeding releases Oxytocin which is responsible to make you feel happy,
thereby promoting better overall health.
The let-down reflex (milk ejection
 By sucking at the breast, your baby triggers tiny nerves in the nipple.
 These nerves cause hormones to be released into your bloodstream.
 One of these hormones (prolactin) acts on the milk-making tissues.
 The other hormone (oxytocin) causes the breast to push out or ‘let down’ the
 The let-down reflex makes the milk in your breasts available to your baby.
 Cells around the alveoli contract and squeeze out the milk, pushing it down
the ducts towards the nipple.
 Oxytocin also makes the milk ducts widen, making it easier for the milk to
flow down them.
 The let-down may happen if you see or hear your baby or even just think
about him.
 The let-down can also be triggered by touching your breast and nipple area
with your fingers or by using a breast pump.
 People often say that your let-down may not work as well if you are very
anxious, extremely tired, upset or in pain. The truth is that breastfeeding is a
powerful process. With support and encouragement, mothers cope with many
different stresses and still breastfeed successfully.

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