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Cardiovascular System

Cardiovascular System

 The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, muscle

pumping devices, and closed vascular systems, arteries,
veins and capillaries.
 The important role of the cardiovascular system in
maintaining homeostasis depends on continuous blood flow
and is controlled through thousands of milliliters of
capillaries that penetrate every tissue and reach every cell
in the body.
 The heart is a muscle pump that provides the strength
needed to circulate blood in all body tissues.
 Three layers of the heart are: epicardium, myocardium,
and endocardium.
 The four heart chambers are: right atrium, right ventricle,
left atrium, and left ventricle.
 Two types of heart valves are atrio-ventricular and half-
valve valves.
 Blood flows from the right atrium to the right ventricle and
is then pumped into the lungs to get oxygen. From the
lungs blood flows to the left atrium and then to the left
ventricle. From there it is pumped into the system cycle.
 Special heart muscle cells, which form a guiding system for
cardiac coordination in the camera.
 The pulmonary vessels carry blood from the right ventricle
to the lungs and return to the left atrium.
 The systemic vessels carry blood from the left ventricle to
the tissues in all parts of the body and then return the
blood to the right atrium.
 Substances pass through capillary walls through diffusion,
filtration and osmosis.

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