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Ali Nawaz
Aaqib Ashraf
Reg ID #
Class :
Axial Mode helical Antenna
Semester Project
• A conductor by which electromagnetic waves are sent out or received
, consisting commonly of a wire or set of wires.
• An antenna is a conductor that can transmit, send and receive signals
such as microwave, radio or satellite signals.
• A high-gain antenna increases signal strength.
• A low-gain antenna receives or transmits over a wide angle.
Types of Antenna:-
• There are different types of antennas but we have worked on designing helical
loop antenna. Some types of Antenna are given below:
1. Wire Antennas
2. Reflector Antennas
3. Micro strip Antennas
4. Aperture Antennas
5. Log-Periodic Antennas
Helical Antenna:-
• A helical antenna is a specialized antenna that emits and responds
to electromagnetic fields with rotating (circular)polarization.
• It is actually a travelling wave antenna.
Types Of Helical Antenna:-
• There are two types of helical antenna :
1. Normal mode helical antenna
2. Axial mode helical antenna
Axial Mode Helical Antenna
• The axial-mode helix antenna, first described by Kraus in 1947.
• It is well known that we can enhance the power gain by increasing the
number of helical turns, properly choosing the helical circumference.
• The parameters of the helix antenna are defined
1. D - Diameter of a turn on the helix antenna.
2. C - Circumference of a turn on the helix antenna (C=pi*D).
3. S - Vertical separation between turns for helical antenna.
4. α - pitch angle, which controls how far the helix antenna
grows in the z-direction per turn.

5. N - Number of turns on the helix antenna.

6. H - Total height of helix antenna, H=NS.
• The Half-Power Beam Width (HPBW) is an important parameter of the antenna
pattern. It specifies the angular width within which the antenna is most sensitive.

• The first null beamwidth (FNBW) is the angular

span between the first pattern nulls adjacent to the
main lobe.
Optimum Conditions
• The axial ratio for helix antennas decreases as the number of
loops N is added, and can be approximated by:

• S ᴝ λ/4.
• 12 ≤ α ≤ 14.
• C/λ = 1.(To achieve circular polarization.)
• Input impedance is between 100 & 200 Ω .

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