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Siti Urifah, MNS

Disampaikan pada MK.Bhs Inggris
STIKES Bahrul Ulum, Jombang
Sub Topic

› Taking order from Doctor by phone (medicine)

› Repeating statement
› Menerima dari farmasi dengan double chek
› Explaining a prescription
› Language features: Simple Present Tense dan these, this, take
dan suppose to
Taking order from Doctor by phone (medicine)
(Menerima pesanan dari Dokter melalui telepon)

› Safety is essential. Telephone orders have a higher potential for errors as

these orders can be misheard, misinterpreted and /or mistranscribed.
› Prosedur Penerima:
– mendokumentasikan pesanan segera pada lembar dokumentasi termasuk tanggal,
waktu, nama pemberi informasidan nomor tlp, nama penerima, status, dan tanda tangan
– mengulangi pesanan kembali ke pemberi informasi termasuk: nama pasien, nama obat
dan ejaan obat untuk menghindari kesalahan karena obat yang mirip, dosis,
mengucapkannya dalam satu digit (mis. 15 mg harus dibaca), urutan, frekuensi (mis. tiga
kali sehari)
– meminta indikasi obat untuk membantu menghindari kesalahan.
– mengulang kembali isi semua informasi (pesan) jika ada ketidakpastian tentang
– Penerima pesan (perawat) segera melakukan pesanan dalam waktu 24 jam (atau secepat
mungkin) setelah mengkomunikasikan pesanan.
Useful expressions

› May I speak to the nurse ……, please? • Would you like to come in and see me?
› Can I help you? • Let me get my diary

› Would you like some help? • Does Friday suit for you?
• I will see you then….
› You will have to make an appointment
• I am tied up
› Could I fix an appointment?
• I wonder if I/ we could possibly move it
› I will look at the schedule to….
› How about July 20th at 11 am? • Unfortunately I cant talk just now

› That sounds fine • Can I call you back?

› I am afraid I cant talk now

Making Telephone Calls (Formal telephone conversation)
(Membuat perjanjian melalui telepon)

Nurse : Hello, Bahrul Ulum Clinic.

Mr. Adi : Good morning. May I speak to the doctor, please?
Nurse : I’m Sorry, he is not here right now. Can I help you?
Mr. Adi : I would like to have an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow?
Nurse : May I have your complete name and registered number of patient? I can
make an appointment for you.
Mr. Adi : I am sorry I forgot my number. Will you please hold on a minute? I will get my
card and see if I can get the number. (goes to get his card and come to phone)
But I don’t see any number here miss. Which one is it?
Nurse : It’s the number on the upper right hand corner. It is printed red color
Mr. Adi : I see, I see. The number is 1122 and the name is Mr. Adi Budiman
Nurse : Thank you Mr. Adi Budiman. Is tomorrow at 6.30 pm. All right with you?
According to my list here, you will be the fourth patient
Mr. Adi : That will be fine. Thank you for your help
Nurse : You are welcome
Changing appointments by phone
(Merubah perjanjian melalui telepon)

Nurse : Bahrul Ulum hospital, Good afternoon

Mrs. Kate : Hello, I am Kate Hudson. I would like to have a word with Doctor Dunda
Nurse : He is having patients right now. Is there anything I can help you Mrs. Hudson?
Mrs. Kate : As a matter of fact. I do like to change my appointment with him. I am afraid I
wan’t be able to make it
Nurse : Okay, First of all really want to know when you are supposed to see the doctor?
Mrs. Kate : Well, actually. I should meet him this afternoon at about 15.00 pm but I must
do something else. I wonder if I could possibly move it to Wednesday?
Nurse : Let me see first, … I don’t thnk Wednesday is Dr. Dunda’ schedule. How about
Friday Afternoon at 15.00 pm he has the schedule on that day
Mrs. Kate : Friday at 3 o’clock is fine
Nurse : Alright. We will be waiting for your coming
Mrs. Kate : Thank you
Conversation example of Repetition
› Man: Have you seen a green pen anywhere?

› Woman: I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that.

Focus Vocabularies
› Man: (I said, 'Have you seen a green pen?')
• ………………….
› Woman: Could you say that again? • ………………....
› Man: (Green pen, see it anywhere?)
• ………………….
• ………………....
› Woman: I'm sorry ... I still didn't get that. • ………………….
› Man: (I said, 'Have you seen a green pen anywhere?') • ………………....
• ………………….
› Woman: Could you say that again?
• ………………....
› Man: (Green pen, see it anywhere?) • ………………….
› Woman: One more time?
• ………………....
• ………………….
› Man: (Have you seen a green pen anywhere?) • ………………....
› Woman: No, sorry. Nothing. • ………………….
• ………………....
› Man: (Have you seen a green pen anywhere?)

› Woman: Look! I can't hear a word you're saying.

› Man: I said, 'Have you seen a green pen?' Oh, there it is!
Tasks 1
Explaining a prescription
(Menjelaskan resep)

Key Vocabularies
• amount = how much • physician = doctor
• chronic = recurring, happening again and • prescription = order from a doctor for
again medicine
• drug = idiomatic term used to refer to • to refill = to provide medicine again
medicine based on a prescription
• frequency = how often something is • route = how medicine should be taken
• strength = how strong the medicine is
• medical condition = illness, sickness,
disease • sublingual = under the tongue
• medication = medicine • to alleviate = to make easier, to relieve
• patient identifier = information that • to get a good night's sleep = to sleep
identifies a patient enough to feel rested
• pharmacist = person who has a license • topical = placed on the skin
to prepare medications for patients • to stabilize = to make regular
• pharmacy = licensed store which sells • to stay calm = to be relaxed
medicine that requires a prescription
• to take a pill = to take medicine by
Prescriptions Include:

› Patient identifier: first and last name of the patient, as well as the date of birth
› Medication (also named "drug"): The medicine that is prescribed
› Strength: How strong the medication prescribed is (50 mg, 100 mg, etc.)
› Amount: How often the patient should take the medicine
› How much: Number of pills, tablets, etc.
› Frequency: How often the patient should take the medicine
› Route: How the patient should take the medicine (by mouth, topical,
sublingual, etc.)
› Refills: How often the prescription should be renewed
› Signature: Signature of the physician writing the prescription
› Date: The day on which the prescription was written
Dialogue: Giving a Prescription

Patient : … what about the problems I've been having sleeping?

Doctor : I'm going to give you a prescription for some medicine to help you get a
better night's sleep.
Patient : Thank you, doctor.
Doctor : Here, you can get this prescription at any pharmacy.
Patient : How often should I take the medicine?
Doctor : Just take one pill about 30 minutes before you go to bed.
Patient : How long should I take them?
Doctor : The prescription is for thirty days. If you're not sleeping well after thirty days,
I'd like you to come back in.
Patient : Is there anything else I can do to help me sleep at night?
Doctor : Don't worry so much about things at work. I know, I know... easier said than
Patient : Should I stay home from work?
Doctor : No, I don't think that's necessary. Just remember to stay calm.
Language features:

Simple Present Tense dan these, this, take dan

suppose to
THIS digunakan untuk merujuk pada sebuah benda (tunggal), yang secara fisik
pun benda tersebut terletak tidak jauh dari si penunjuk. Bila diterjemahkan,
this dapat berarti “ini”.

› This syringe is empty.
› I know this an appointment very well.
› He doctor asked me to taking care of this patient.
› This hospital is very nice

Perhatikan bahwa contoh kalimat di atas diikuti oleh kata benda tunggal
THAT digunakan untuk merujuk pada sebuah benda (tunggal), yang secara fisik
pun benda tersebut terletak jauh dari si penunjuk. Bila diterjemahkan, that dapat
berarti “itu”.

› I can’t believe that patient died.
› Don’t worry, mom already took care that
› That document is already save in there.
› Who’s that pretty nurse sitting by herself over there?

Perhatikan bahwa kelima contoh kalimat di atas diikuti oleh kata benda tunggal
THESE digunakan untuk merujuk pada benda yang jumlahnya lebih
dari satu. Mudahnya, kita bisa menganggap bahwa these merupakan
bentuk jamak dari this.

› I can’t eat all of these donuts by myself because I have diabetes.
› These drugs are very expensive.
› One of these kids is allergic to seafood.

Perhatikan bahwa kelima contoh kalimat di atas diikuti oleh kata benda jamak

THOSE digunakan untuk merujuk pada benda yang jumlahnya lebih dari
satu. Sehingga kita bisa menganggap bahwa those merupakan bentuk
jamak dari that.

› Those cakes look delicious. Can I have a piece, Mom?
› Those angry people are demonstrating in front of the mayor’s office.
› Who are those pretty guys? They’re so skinny and tall. I bet they’re
boyband members.

Perhatikan bahwa kelima contoh kalimat di atas diikuti oleh kata benda
jamak (plural).

› Supposed to digunakan ketika kita berbicara tentang

kewajiban kita, mengatakan hal terbaik untuk dilakukan dalam
suatu situasi; cara yang benar dalam melakukan sesuatu. Use
supposed to for cultural rules and expectations.

› "You are not supposed to talk loudly in this room."

› "I totally forgot I was supposed to call you last night, sorry."

› When we should do something, but we do not have to do if,

we ought to do it. Ought to is not usually used in questions or
negative sentences. Use it to advise or make

› "You ought to call Mike and say thanks for the nice gift he
bought you."
› "We ought to wear sunglasses, I think it's going to be a very
sunny day."

› When you must do something, you have to do it. It is used for

a situation that has no choice. Have to is used for obligations.

› "Students have to wear their uniforms to school or they will be

sent home."
› "In England, you have to drive on the left."
Now decide which words are needed to complete these sentences:

1 - We are not ___ to smoke here.


2 - I am ___ to be in school now, but I am not feeling well.


3 - If it rains, they will ___ to change their plans.


4 - My wife's busy so I ___ pick up my children from school today.

supposed to
have to
ought to

5 - Children ___ be able to read by the age of 7.

have to
ought to
supposed to
Thank you
› Wish you all the best and success for the future

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