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Focus on Child Health

Presentation by Team of Shiksha

Sanskruti Utthan Nyas
(Vidarbha-Nagpur, Maharashtra)
Dr. Tapan Chakravarti, President,
Yogsadhak Arvind Janardan Londhe, Co-ordinator,
Abhishek Acharya,
Anamika Thakare, Ankita Pokale,
Prof. Jayashree Badhe, Madhuri Sapre &
Shubhangi Pankule
:: New Holistic Interventions ::
There is a need to improve access to child health. The Ministry of Health is
focusing on promoting child health through appropriate interventions. Presently, the
Department of School Education and Literacy, MHRD addresses the nutritional needs
of school going children in the age group of 6-14 years through the Mid- Day Meal
(MDM) Scheme. The Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) also addresses
the issues of child health. There is, however, a need to synergize the multi-sectoral
interventions taken by the relevant GOI Ministries. The existing schemes need to be
examined for their outcomes and impediments in implementation, including those
of co-ordination. This theme seeks views and suggestions on how to ensure greater
focus on child through improvements in existing schemes and hence we suggest
“ New Holistic Interventions ”
How we should Focus on
New Holistic Interventions
onChild Health ?
¢y ârÂÀä §ýàç §çýwv ràv Ðwàпu yç kàç»þÂàà Øàäâ¹þqå½àê Ñã Ñè ñ
qàÌu, qàv§ý, âÎàÕà§ý, ytàk Ðwàпu §ýL yÞqå½àê qáÊâo tçÞ ¢y âwxu
§ýL Íuàq§ýmà §ýL ¡âÂàwàuêmà §çý ¡ÂàäÛýq £qÊàçQý ysã §çý §ýÌuà½à
§ýL Yâ˜þ yç ¡àwÎu§ý ¡Çuày§íýt, âwxu ÑàçÞ kàç qàÌu yç yÞrÞâom ysã
§çý Ðwàпu §ýL ÊÕàà, yÞwoêÂà Ñçmä tàªàêÀÎàê§ý, qnZàÀÎàê§ý Ñàç ñ
âwùà/ âÎàÕàà ÎàÆÀàçÞ §çý tåv ¡nàGÞ yç s¹þ§ýmã ¡àèÊ ¡nêÑãÂà,
yÞwçÀÂààÑãÂà, Âàãmã-täÌuÑãÂà ¡àk §ýL âÎàÕàà q÷mã yç kâÂàm
¡âwùà ¡nàêm ¡ÖààÂà uà ¡àoç-¡oäÊç ÖààÂà §ýà âwjàÊ w tàÂàây§ý
sàwÂàà¡àçÞ qÊ Zàsàw mnàý ÎàÊãÊ §çý âwâsÂÂà ¡ÞªààçÞ qÊ
£ÀàÑʽàànê :-
1. §ýq¹þ yç qç¹þ §çý Êàçªà,
2. tàÂàây§ý âw§ýàÊ kàç Ñt ÀåyÊàçÞ yç â²þqàmç ÑèA £Âà§çý §ýàʽà
§ýtkàçÊ w Êàçªà-ªàíÐm ÎàÊãÊ,
3. ³uàÀà §íýàço w âj»þâj»þàqÂà u§æým (âvÍÑÊ) ¡àèÊ âqÙà§ýàçx
(ªààév Ævç»þÊ) §ýL ârtàÊã,
£qÊ wâ½àêm ¡âwùà mnà âwÀçÎàã sàxà-ÖààÂà-yÞЧæýmã yç kâÂàm §ýºþãÂà-¡ªàÈu-
O§ýv˜þ w ¡Âàäquàçªàã âÎàÕàà ¡àèÊ âÎàÕàà q÷mã yç ZààÃm ¡àoç-¡oäÊç ÖààÂà qÊ
¡àoàáÊm tàÂàw ytàk âÂàâtêmã w Âàèyâªàê§ý ¡yÞmävÂà ¢. ¡Âu §äý² §ýàʽààçÞ yç
tàÂàây§ý sàwÂàà¡àçÞ qÊ Zàsàw Ñàç§ýÊ sàw-âwjàÊ-wà½àã ¡àèÊ §ýtàG tçÞ ârià»
£¾qÂÂà Ñàçmç ÑèA ñ ¢Âà yr§çý jvmç Ñã tÂà w ÎàÊãÊ §çý âwâsÂÂà ¡ÞªààçÞ qÊ
ÀäÏqáʽààt Ñàç§ýÊ ât¿uà síàÞâmuàçÞ, ªàvm ¡àÀmàçÞ, hàÂà-qàÂà, ÊÑÂà-yÑÂà,
âwvàâymà ¢. Âà§ýàÊà¾t§ýmà qå½àê yàçj-ÍuwÑàÊ yç uäQý kãwÂà Îàèvã rÂà kàÂàà Ñã
¡àk âwÎw §çý rÑByÞ©u ¢ÞyàÂààçÞ §çý ¡ÂààÊàçªu (ârtàÊã), mÂààw-âjÞmà uäQý ï§vçxtu
Íuânm kãwÂà §ýà tåv §ýàʽà Ñè!
§uà ¡àk rÑBmàÞÎà r°jç, qàÌu, qàv§ý, âÎàÕà§ý, ytàk ¢. £qÊàçQý ÊàçªààçÞ yç
ªàíÐm kãwÂà ÂàÑãA kã ÊÑç ÑèA? §uà ¥çyà kãwÂà kãÂàà uàçªu Ñè? §uà ¢yã
§çý âvuç ÑtàÊà kÂt ÑB¡à Ñè ? §uàçÞ "yࢧýàç yàçtçâ¹þ§ý" vÕà½ààçÞ §ýà kÑÊ
Äèývmà kà ÊÑà Ñè ? â§ýmÂàç vàçªà ÑèA kàç Ðwàпu Êh qàmç ÑèA ¡àèÊ nàç»çþ yç
rÀvàw yç sã Ñàktà (»þà¢kçÎàÂà), ÂàãAÀ kèyã ²þàçâ¹þ-²þàçâ¹þ ¡àwÎu§ý ¡wÐnà¡àçÞ §ýàç
sã ârªà»þmç Àçhmç ÑèA, m§ývãÄý yÑmç ÑèA ? Ñt yÞswm: såv ªàuç ÑèA -
"ÊyÂàà ¡àèÊ wàyÂàà qÊ âÂàuÞØà½à Ñã kãwÂà Ñè ¥wt uàçªàtàªàê ¥§ýtçw
âÂàuÞØà½à £qàu Ñè ñ"
Ancient Indian Education System based on Inherent & Intervening concept of
Holistic Health is the sole solution for all above issues & problems.

tàmæsàxà w ÐwÀçÎàã ÖààÂà yÊv-yÊy, yähÀàu§ý-

ytàoàÂà§ýàʧý ây÷ Ñàç§ýÊ Ðwàпuwoê§ý kãwÂà §ýàç
ywàëªàã½à £ÂÂàÙàã ZàÀàÂà §ýÊÂàç wàvç Ñàçmç
ÑèA uÑ âjâ§ý¾y§ý, wèÖààâÂà§ý-tÂààçwèÖààâÂà§ý
qáÊÕà½ààçÞ yç ÐwuÞ ây÷ Ñè ñ sàÊmãu ¡àuäwFÀ-
uàçªàÎààe ¢. tàÂàw Ðwàпu yÞrÞoã ÖààÂà sÞ»þàÊ täv
sàÊmãu sàxà¡àçÞ tçÞ Ñã kàÂàç-ytlç ¡àèÊ ¡Þªàã§æým
â§ý¥ kà y§ýmç ÑèA uÑ âwÎw Âàç ¡r tàÂà âvuà Ñè ñ
âwÎw §ýL â§ýyã sã sàxà tçÞ ¢Âà§ýà sàxàÞmÊ ¡quàêÃm
¡àk §ýL (yàÞZàm) kãwÂà q÷âm,
âÎàÕàà, ÀãÕàà, yÞЧýàÊ, §äý²þ
¡Âàèyâªàê§ý £qjàÊ Ñã ¢Âà yr§ýL
tåv wkÑ ÑèÞ ñ yâÀuàçÞ qÑvç
Êàt, óã§æýϽà, ÑÂàätàÂà, sQý
ZàÌÑàÀ, ów½à§äýtàÊ, yãmà,
ÛýO©t½àã, tÞÀàçÀÊã, tàçÑÈtÀ
qèªàÞrÊ, ¢êyà tyãÑ, ªààèmträ÷,
tÑàwãÊ kèÂà, âÎàwàkã, yÞm,
tÑÞm, kèyç ¡Âàç§ýàçÞ
y§ýàÊà¾t§ý jáÊØààçÞ §çý kÂt
¡àèÊ kãwÂà §ýàç ÀçhçÞ màç
â§ýyã âÂàÑãm Ðwànê, ªàävàtã uà ¡ÖààÂàwÎà Ñt ÐwÐn âjÙà ÊÑÂàà yãhÂàà Ñã ÂàÑãA jàÑmç ñ
qÊÞmä wàÐmâw§ýmà màç §äý²þ ¡àèÊ Ñã Ñè ñ svç Ñã ÑtàÊà sàªu ÑtàÊç wÎà tçÞ yÞswm: Âà Ñàç
qÊÞmä £âjm w ÐwÐn sàwÂàà¡àçÞ, âwjàÊ, wà½àã, ¡àjàÊ-ÍuwÑàÊ, uäQýàuäQý ¡àÑàÊ ¥wÞ
tàmæsàxà w ÐwÀçÎàã ÖààÂà uäQý ¡ÂàäÎààâym kãwÂà Zà½ààvã (Daily Life Style) §çý "ríûàe" §ýL
yÑàumà yç ¥§ý yäâÂàOÎjm, ÐwÐn, tÞªàv, jèmÂuqå½àê kãwÂà kã sʧýÊ kãÂàà ¡wÎu Zà¾uç§ý
¢ÞyàÂà §çý wÎà tçÞ Ñè ñ

 ¡ªàÊ Ñt ¡qÂàç tÂà qÊ tàmæsàxà w ÐwÀçÎàã ÖààÂà yç ZààÃm Ðwàпuwoê§ý kãwÂà yç 100%
âÂàuÞØà½à và qàuçÞ (¡àÀÎàê OÐnâm) uà £yyç §äý²þ §ýt ( Say Apprx. 60-70%), màç sã Ñt ¡âwùà mnà
âwÀçÎàã sàxà-ÖààÂà-yÞЧæýmã yç kâÂàm "tÂà" §çý §ýàÊ½à ¥wÞ wàmàwÊ½à §çý rÀvàwàçÞ yç
ÎàÊãÊ qÊ ÑB¥ Zàsàw §çý §ýàʽà rÂàã uà âÂàtàê½à ÑB¢ê ârtàÊãuàç yç ¡àkàÀ Ñàç qàuçÞªàç ñ
"ÐwÐn tÂà ¡àèÊ ÎàÊãÊ" §ýL yÑàumà yç wàmàwÊ½à §çý rÀvàwàçÞ yç sã yÄývmàqåwê§ý
v»þ§ýÊ âwku ZààÃmã §çý Ûýq tçÞ "ÐwÐn-¡àÂàÞÀã-Àãiê" kãwÂà §ýà âÂàÊÞmÊ ¡àÐwàÀ vç
y§çÞýªàç ñ uàçªà-Zàà½ààut §ýL ¢y Ñçmä Âà §çýwv £quàçâªàmà ¡âqmä ¡âÂàwàuêmà
¡àoäâÂà§ý âwÖààÂà w âjâ§ý¾yà kªàm Âàç sã tàÂà vã Ñè ñ ¡qÂàç tÂà, âwjàÊàçÞ §ýàç kãmÂàà
Ñã §çýwv ÊÑÐu ÂàÑã Ñè §ýsã-§ýsã ¡àwÎu§ýmàÂàäyàÊ wèù-ѧýLt-»þà駹þÊ yç ¢vàk sã kÛýÊã
Ñè ñ wàmàwÊ½à ¢¾uàâÀ §çý §ýàʽà ÑtàÊç ÎàÊãÊ tçÞ kàç ÊàyàuâÂà§ý ¡yÞmävÂà/rÀvàw
(Chemical Imbalances/Changes) Ñàçmç ÊÑmç ÑèA £Âàyç âÂàq¹þ §ýÊ £ÂàtçÞ yÞmävÂà vàÂàç Ñçmä
uäQýàuäQý ¡àÑàÊ-âwÑàÊ ¢. §çý yàn yäuàçªu uàçªààçqjàÊ w âjâ§ý¾yà §ýà sã ¡qÂàà tѾw Ñè ñ
yÑã w £âjm âÎàÕàà-ÀãÕàà, Íuwyàu, kãwÂà £öçÎu, Ààèvm, yÞªàã-yànã ¥wÞ £Âà§ýà ÐÂàçÑ-

Zàçtsàw, âw§ýày, yÞmàÂà ¢¾uàâÀ ysã ÑÊ ¢ÞyàÂà §ýL §ýàtÂàà¥Þ Ñàçmã ÑèÞ ñ "£Ùàt Ðwàпu ¥wÞ
£Ùàt kãwÂà vÕu" âkÂà§çý qày Ñàçmà Ñè, £Âà§çý qày §ýÊÂàç §çý âvuç ÀtÀàÊ §ýàuê Ñàçmà Ñèñ âkÂà§ýà tÂà
ÊjÂàà¾t§ý w yækÂàà¾t§ý âwjàÊàçÞ yç sÊà Ñàçmà Ñè, £Âà§ýL kãÂàç §ýL ¢ê°²þà Zàrv, £Ùàt Ñàçmã Ñè ñ
yÞÕàçq tçÞ §ýÑçÞ màç ÑtàÊç Ñã sàw, âwjàÊ ÑtàÊç kãwÂàÎàèvã §ýàç rÂàà-ârªààð»þ y§ýmç ÑèA ñ wç Ñã
ÑtàÊç tåv âjâ§ý¾y§ý (Basic Doctor) ÑèA ñ yÑã âÀÎàà âtvÂàç qÊ uç Ñã sàw-âwjàÊ £y tÑàÎàâQý (¢êÎwÊ uà
âÂàyªàê §äý²þ sã §ýÑçÞ) yç yÞq§êý kàç»þmç ÑèA ¡àèÊ uÑã yÞq§êý ¢ÞyàÂà §çý Ðwàпu §çý âv¥ tåvm:
"yÞkãwÂàã-ÎàâQý" (Vital Power) Ñè ñ
£qÊ wâ½àêm ¡âwùà mnà âwÀçÎàã sàxà-ÖààÂà-yÞЧæýmã yç kâÂàm §ýºþãÂà-¡ªàÈu-O§ýv˜þ-¡mæÃmã-

¡ytàoàÂà ¢. Ûýqã ÀähÀàu§ý ¡àoç-¡oäÊç ÖààÂà yç¡sàw, sít, §äÞýºþà, ¡yäÊÕàà ¢. £¾qÂÂà Ñàçmç ÑèA ñ
¢Âà§çýýw ¡Âu §äý²þ §ýàʽààçÞ yç tàÂàây§ý sàwÂàà¡àçÞ qÊ Zàsàw Ñàç§ýÊ sàw-âwjàÊ-wà½àã ¡àèÊ §ýtàG tçÞ
ârià» £¾qÂÂà Ñàç ÎàÊãÊ §çý âwâsÂÂà ¡ÞªààçÞ qÊ ÀäÏqáʽààt Ñàç§ýÊ kãwÂà ÀäsÊ Ñàç kàmà Ñè ñ ¢y§çý
yàn Ñã ytàk tçÞ ÍuàÃm ât¿uà síàÞâmuàçÞ, ªàvm ¡àÀmàçÞ, hàÂà-qàÂà, ÊÑÂà-yÑÂà, âwvàâymà ¢.
Âà§ýàÊà¾t§ý qå½àê yàçj-ÍuwÑàÊ uäQý kãwÂà Îàèvã §çý Ñã §ýàÊ½à ¡ÂààÊàçªu (ârtàÊã), mÂààw-âjÞmà uäQý
ï§vçxtu kãwÂà âwÎw §çý ¡àk §çý rÑByÞ©u ¢ÞyàÂààçÞ §çý Íuânm kãwÂà §ýà tåv §ýàʽà Ñè!

§uà ¥çyà kãwÂà kãÂàà uàçªu Ñè? §uà ¢yã §çý âvuç ÑtàÊà kÂt ÑB¡à Ñè ? §uàçÞ "yࢧýàç yàçtçâ¹þ§ý"

vÕà½ààçÞ §ýà kÑÊ Äèývmà kà ÊÑà Ñè ? â§ýmÂàç vàçªà ÑèA kàç âÀhàwç §ýà Ðwàпu Êh qàmç ÑèA ¡àèÊ
nàç»çþ yç rÀvàw yç sã Ñàktà (»þà¢kçÎàÂà), ÂàãAÀ kèyã ²þàçâ¹þ-²þàçâ¹þ ¡àwÎu§ý ¡wÐnà¡àçÞ §ýàç sã
ârªà»þmç Àçhmç ÑèA, m§ývãÄý yÑmç ÑèA ? Ñt yÞswm: såv ªàuç ÑèA -
"ÊyÂàà ¡àèÊ wàyÂàà qÊ âÂàuÞØà½à Ñã kãwÂà Ñè ¥wt uàçªàtàªàê ¥§ýtçw âÂàuÞØà½à £qàu Ñè ñ"
¥§ý âwÎwày yäØà Ñè :- ‘‘kr sã ¡àq§ýàç ÎàÊãÊ tçÞ §ýàç¢ê qã»þà-m§ývãÄý tÑyäy Ñàç mr "tçÊà Ðwàпu
¥§ýÀt râ¼þuà Ñè tèA ¡ÞÀÊ-ràÑÊ yç ârv§äýv mÞÀÛýÐm-ÄýL¹þ w qÊÄçý§¹þ ÑCÝ " ÀàçÑÊàmç ÊâÑuç
¡àq§çý ¥çyà ÀàçÑÊàmç ÊÑÂàç yç ¡àq ârtàÊ ÑèA ¢y âwjàÊ yç täâQý âtvÂàç
vªàçªàã ¡àèÊ y§ýàÊà¾t§ý Positive ¡Ñyày ¡àq§çý ¡ÞÀÊ sÊÂàç vªàçªàà ñ ârtàÊã-
qã»þà §äý²þ sã Ñàç ¡ÞÀÊ yç häÎàã-ÎààÞmã Ñã tÑyäy ÑàçÂàç vªàçªàã ñ
¡àwÎu§ý Zàà§æýâm§ý ¡àèxoã, uàçªà-Zàà½ààuàt 100% ÄýL¹þ §ýÊÂàç tçÞ ytu
ÂàÑãA vªààuçÞªàç, mäÊÞm vàs ÀçÞªàç ñ
"Ñt ysã Ðwut §çý ywàFÙàt âjâ§ý¾y§ý Ñã ÑèA "
"yÞqå½àê Ðwàпu uàçªà" Ñçmä jmä:yäØàã §çý 4 ¡àoàÊ kàç yâÀuàçÞ yç
Ðwutî ây÷ ÑèA ñ
1. uàçªààyÂà,
2. Zàà½ààuàt,
3. âwjàÊ-ÁuàÂà yàoÂàà, (ò§ýàÊ yàoÂàà)
4. tàèÂà (oàʽàà-ÁuàÂà-ytàoã) ytàoã kàç kãwÂà §çý ÑÊ qv-Õà½à- Îwày
ZàÎwày tçÞ ¡Âàäsåm Ñàç §uàçÞâ§ý ytàoã màç jèmÂu Ñã Ñè, Âàà §ýL tæ¾uä ñ
Improving the Nutrition and Health of children

Parents and the family members are not aware about their entitlements
from these nutrition and health programs. Therefore they are not accessing
the benefits especially from ICDS (Integrated Child Development
Scheme). There is a need to strengthen the health communication and
counselling component of the program to educate the parents about
feeding and care of the undernourished children. The parents of the mal-
nourished children need to be educated at the ICDS Centre. Health
Workers need to be trained in the broad area of Health including
communication and counseling.
There is a dire need to :
 Care to start with performing independently and completing the task which
will make children feel responsible and confident. Even if some fail to
complete the task, praise for their efforts and show them the way to do it.

 Care to avoid loaded statements or words as weapons as they damage to the

child’s self esteem.

 Care to choose words carefully and to be compassionate. Children should

be made known that every one makes mistakes and still they can be loved
though their behavior may not be liked.
 Establishinghouse rules with their participation help children understand others as well as
their own expectation and develop self control.

 Careto spare time for children, doing activities with them e.g. playing indoor/outdoor
games, story making & telling, vacation etc.

 Care for being flexible & willing to adjust parenting style. Knowing own needs and
limitations as parent/ teacher is must as neither children nor parent/teacher should get
stressed over little things.

 All should be aware of child’s feeling ,anxieties and stress related issues. Help to child by
talking, listening patiently & assuring that he is loved and understood properly.

 Reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school dropout

 Achieve effective inter-departmental co-ordination of policy and implementation
amongst the various departments to promote child development
 Enhance the capability of the mother & all to look after the normal health and nutritional
needs of the child through proper nutrition and health education.
 Increase in Numbers & housing capacity of Student Hostels in Urban Areas WITH
COMPLETE FACILITIES & AMINITIES with due care for total Healthy Environment.
 Provision of similar hostel and/or other accommodation facilities in Rural, Remote
locations nearer to Schools/Colleges.
 Educational Centers including that of residential facilities should be Student caring in
respect of all services required including that of fully developed Techno oriented
Guidance desk/Centre.
 The students should be acquainted with different social media formats taking all due care
on the guiding principles as advised by Medical, Technical, Scientific experts.
Nation wide full-fledged Human

Power Surveys be carried out and on

the basis of the reports/

recommendations of these surveys,

tailor made Schemes for opening

different types of Educational

Institutions should be planned &

operated. These Institutions be well

equipped along with especially

Health, Shelter & Nutrition amenities

& facilities.
there is a dire need to:

Improve the nutritional and health status of children with a view to nurture
children's self-esteem.
Enhance the capability of the mother & all to look after the normal health and
nutritional needs of the child through proper nutrition and health education.
Lay the foundation for proper psychological, physical and social development of
the child. All children are unique, no comparison should be made amongst them
unfavorably with others.

A tiny child brain can store thousand time the Encyclopedia Britannica
Facts…. more that 200 trillion facts;
Normal human brain grows 60 cm in whole life and 50 cm happen from
birth till age 5;
If we constantly tell them ‘You can! You can’ they will become confident
enough to chart their own path through life;
 Every child is gifted, we can turn him in to a genius;
All out efforts should be made to make system of learning through “MULTIPLE
INTELLEIGENCE”, e.g. types of such learning streams can be :-
Linguistic : Regional Language, Hindi & English and their Vocabulary Development;
Kinesthetic : 14 Vidhya 64 Kala (Dance, In/Out door Games etc.)
Musical : Vocal, Instrumental; Researches indicate that :
 Music is a powerful stimulant that can alter child’s mood instantly and create new bonds
and memories;
 Music has shown to increase overall intelligence by shaping the types of attitudes,
interests & discipline within children;
 Music can benefit in higher reasoning and motor skills and higher achievements in
language & mathematics in children.
Visual : Drawing, Art, Craft etc.;
Logical: Analytical, Problem Solving etc;
Natural: Love towards Nature, Environmental
Interpersonal : Working with others ( in Group);
Intrapersonal : Developing quality of Bhav
(Sentiment), Vichar (Thinking), Vani (Speech),
Karma (Activities) for self & others.
All efforts for rising Creative Children should be made :

Respect the children;

Ask their opinion;
Become ‘YES’ parents/teacher/guardian;
Involve them in decision making;
Allow them to experience and ask questions;
Allow them to sing, play and day dream (Scientifically proven that people who day
dream are most successful in life)
All Students rather All Children must be safe from the various types of offences
covered under different acts e.g. under Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children)
Act, 2000 amended in 2006, Sexual Offences under POCSO Act, 2012 etc.
Main Activities Essential for Improving Nutrition of

• Nutrition Survey
• Develop Interpersonal Relationship among the concerned
• Awareness building activities at both rural and urban level
• Monitoring and Evaluation
• Documentation
• It should be for child to all concerned
Main Activities for Improving Health of Children
Neonatal Health
• Essential care at all levels and for all
related personnel in the families.
• Essential new born care (at every
‘point of delivery’)
• Facility based sick born care (at FRUs
& District Hospitals) and afterwards
• Essential Care for Home born babies.
• Promotion of Optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices
• Micronutrient supplementation
• Management of children with severe acute malnutrition
Main Activities for Improving Health of Children
Management of Child hood Common Illnesses
e.g. Management of Childhood Diarrheal Diseases & Acute
Respiratory Infections


• Restriction/Rationalisation of Intensification of Routine

• Polio Eradication
• Anti Worm Care.
1. tàÂàw kãwÂà §çý sàwâÂà§ý, tàÂàây§ý, ÎààÊãáʧý,
¡àânê§ý, yàtàâk§ý yt侧ýxê Ñçmä ¡âm¡àwÎu§ý
âÎàÕàà§íýtàçÞ/âwxuàçÞ §ýà âÂàmàÞm ¡sàw ¡àk §ýL âÎàÕàà
q÷mã tçÞ Ñè :-
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¡Þªàíçkã yÙàà Ðnàuã ÊhÂàç §ýL Yâ˜þ yç £Âà§çý ÐwuÞ §çý
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ÐwmÞØàmà ZààâÃm §çý £qÊàÞm, ÀäÀFw yç ÑtàÊç Ñã ¡âo§ýmÊ
Why present education system is a chaotic & failed one ?
This ancient Indian Education System was mother’s care.
It was also based on holistic health aspects for human being.
All those 14 + 64 were compact enough to bring up  a man
complete in all sects i.e. mental, sentimental, physical, socio-
economical and spiritually sound.
This is what is left away from our present education system
which has resulted in creating “Machine Man” and not a
holistic human being.

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