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Acute bronchitis is swelling and

inflamed tissue that carry air to the lungs.
Which makes it harder to breathe. Outher
symptomps of bronchitis are a cough and
coughing up mucus.
The bronchitis infection is caused by a virus. At first, it
Bronchitis acute affects your nose, sinuses, and throat. Then it spreads to
the airways that lead to your lungs.

Chronic bronchitis is a long-term condition. To be

Bronchitis cronic
diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, you must have a cough
with mucus on most days for at least 3 months. This is more
common in people with COPD.

a. Chest discomfort
b. Cough that produces mucus,
the mucus may be clear or
yellow green
c. Fatigue
d. Fever
e. Shortness of breath that gets
worse with activity
f. Wheezing, in people with
Doing these things may help you feel better:
 Drink plenty of fluids.
 If you have asthma or another chronic lung condition, use your inhaler.
 Get plenty of rest.
 Take aspirin or acetaminophen if you have a fever. Do not give aspirin
to children.
 Breathe moist air by using a humidifier or steaming up the bathroom.
If you have the flu and it is caught in the first 48 hours after
getting sick, your provider might also prescribe antiviral medicine.
Other tips include:
 Do not smoke.
 Avoid secondhand smoke and air pollution.
 Wash your hands (and your children's hands) often to avoid spreading
viruses and other germs.

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