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It is considered to be the least

tangible of the arts.

It is defined as an arrangement

of sounds to create a continuous
and unified composition.
Refers to succession of
consecutive notes or tones
changing in pitch and duration.

 Considered to carry the overall

theme of music.
This has something to do with the patterns in time.


TEMPO – describes how fast or slow the music is.

METER - refers to the unit of time that is made up of

a group of accented and unaccented beats or pulse.

Refers to a combination of different
tones or pitches played or sung

CHORD – notes played or sung

together at the same time.
Refers to the relationship
of melodic and harmonic
lines in music.
Refers to the degree of softness and
loudness of music.

This may also include the way of

changing from soft to loud or vice-
Also known as tone color.

Refers to the quality of sound

generated by an instrument or
by a voice.
Refers to how other element of music
are organized.

Music can be described if there are

repeating sections or melodies, if there is
contrast among musical instruments and
rhythm, or if there is variation of the
musical composition.

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