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The objective of the project is to explore the principles and concepts
of design through dance. Students begin with exploring their own
sensitivity and appreciation for dance, then go on to learn to respond
to dance through body, mind therein experiencing the space.
Students can experiment with movement/Posture in a particular
environment and record their stimulation and response; and therein
encourage to do a critical analysis and aesthetic appraisal of design
concepts explored using dance formations.
The ideology behind the concept is to portray emotions and design
principles together. Different coloured ribbons have been used as
props to express the emotions.
Emphasis is the art of making a specific element stand
out or draw attention to the eye. Emphasis can be
achieved in graphic design by placing elements on
the page in positions where the eye is naturally drawn,
and by using other principles such as contrast,
repetition, or movement.
Balance is the distribution of the visual weight of objects,
colors, texture, and space. If the design was a scale, these
elements should be balanced to make a design feel stable.
contrast refers to the arrangement of opposite elements and
effects. For example, light and dark colors, smooth and rough
textures, large and small shapes. Contrast can be used to create
variety, visual interest, and drama in an artwork.
Movement is the principle OF design which gives the artist
control over what the viewer sees next. Using this principle,
the artist can create the path our eyes will travel as we look
at a work of art
Symmetry creates balance, and balance in design creates
harmony, order, and aesthetically pleasing results. It is found
everywhere in nature, and is probably why we find it to be
so beautiful.

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