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Grup :

1. Imam Bukhori
2. Yulfian nugroho
3. Fiika Akmala Iftinani O
4. Susiani
Abrupt decrease in FHR of > 15
beats per minute measured from
the most recently determined
baseline rate. The onset of
deceleration to nadir is less than 30
seconds. The deceleration
lasts > 15 seconds and less than 2
minutes. A shoulder, if present, is
not included as part of the

*Onset : disini diartikan awal timbulnya

* Nadir : meaning (low point)
Variable Decelerations
1. Cause : Umbilical cord compression

2. Shape : varies in onset, ocurrence, and wavefrom

3. Cilinical significance : indicated compression of umbilical

cord ; may be associated with fetal distress

4. Nursing interventions = change maternal position. If

pattern is severe, administer O2 at 7-10 L/min via face
mask. Nurse needs to be suspicious of a prolapsed cord
with this deceleration pattern.

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