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Ways To Fight Corruption
In India
Throughout the years we've seen such huge numbers of
endeavors by individuals to battle political defilement in India.
Probably the greatest was Anna Hazare's arrangement of strikes
in 2011. The strikes increased colossal force crosswise over
India and were even highlighted in the Times magazine "Top 10
News Stories of 2011".
Even after becoming a massive movement in India,
corruption is still prevalent.
 It slows economic development as foreign
companies do not invest in countries where
corruption is high.
 Political corruption in India affects the common
man more than people who have influence.
 Public money meant for infrastructure goes in the
pocket of officials and thus the quality of
infrastructure decreases.
How can we fight corruption?
The government should empower people by providing them with tools to engage and participate
in politics.

Government and non-government organizations should work together to bring in change and
drive progress.

Awareness programs should become more prevalent. When people are aware of the anti-
corruption policies in India, their decision making and accountability increases.

There should be an increase in the use of technology between government, citizens, media, etc.
to increase exchange between them. The public should also have access to accurate
information on government proceedings. When transparency increases, corruption decreases.

Use feedback on the anti-corruption policies. These policies work best when the government
constantly monitors and evaluates whether they work for their country or not.

Anti-corruption efforts are vital but punishing those who engage in corruption is equally
important. The government should establish a strong legal framework to fight corruption.
Priya Malhotra

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