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 What can you say observing this picture?

 Can you predict the theme?

 Do you consider it to be real one day?

 Do you believe in immortality?

 Did you saw any movie/video/documentary film that it

would be possible to upload our consciousness to a

 Can you predict how it would work?

 Which film has been mentioned and why?

 How close we are to uploading our

consciousness to a computer?

 What researchers have been mentioned?

 Is it a good idea to extend your life with
a consciousness transfer?

 Have you ever wanted to upload your

consciousness to a computer?
technology related idioms
•Blow a fuse =to get angry
•Get / have our wires crossed =to misunderstand someone
•Not rocket science =something is easy to understand or do
•On the same wavelength =to think similarly or to have the same
ideas and opinions.
•Re-invent the wheel =to waste time doing something that has
already been done effectively

•Up and running =ready to use

•Hit the panic button =to react rapidly or by taking
emergency precautions.
Choose idioms and place them in the sentences
below. Put the verb in the correct tense where
necessary :)
1. I dropped Bettina’s phone today. She _________________
and yelled at me.
2. After a good service, my car is finally ________________
3. All you have to do is connect the red wire to the green one!
It’s _______________________________.
4. My friend and I agreed to meet at seven o’clock but he
showed up at eight. We must have
5. Calm down! It’s just a fly. There’s no need to
6. I’m so confused. My teacher and I

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