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Tinel’s sign indicates:

a. Nerve paralysis
b. Nerve regeneration
c. Nerve degeneration
d. None of the above
Cryotherapy is known to cause______ in nerves/ neuralgia:
a. Proteolytic degradation
b. Wallerian degeneration
c. Nerve renegration
d. Necrosis of the nerves
Percussion over divided nerve which results in tingling sensation in the part
supplied by peripheral section:
a. tinel’s sign
b. Kernig’s sign
c. Berry’s sign
d. Clark’s sign
Frey’s syndrome is characterized by:
a. Injury to auriculo-temporal nerve and gustatory sweating
b. Injury to facial nerve and Bell’s palsy
c. Injury to trigeminal root
d. None of the above
Nerve injuries comprise of:
a. neuropraxia, axonotmesia and neurotmesis
b. Neuroma and neuralgia
c. Neuritis and neurotmesis
d. Nerve degeneration
Bell’s palsy indicates:
A. Drooping of the lower lip
B. Rolling of the eyeballs when patient attempts to close the
C Flattening of cheek
D. Exaggeration of naso-labial fold
7. Trigeminal neuralgia differs from odontogenic pain by being:
A. Continuous and dull
B. Sharp and shooting
C. Sharp,shooting,repetitive and triggered
D. Dull and throbbing
8. Trigeminal neuralgia can be treated:
A. With analgesics
B. By anesthetizing trigger area
C. With lysis of trigeminal nerve ending
D. Anticonvulsant drugs
The new drug used in trigeminal neuralgia:
A. Oxycarbamazepine
B. Valproic acid
C. Gabapentine
D. Baclofen
Janetta procedure is done in:
A. Bell's palsy
B. Trigeminal neuralgia
c. Herpes zoster
D. Paresthesias
In supranuclear paralysis:
A. Lower part of the face is paralysed
B. Upper part of face is paralysed
C. Complete one side of the face is paralysed
D. Paralysis and sensory loss both occur together
Facial nerve injuries are common in:
A. Submandibular gland surgery
B. Parotid gland surgery
C. Floor of the mouth surgery
D. Preauricular surgery
The sensory nerve supply of face is by:
a. Trigeminal nerve
b. Cervical plexus
c. A and B
d. Greater occipital nerve
In trigeminal neuralgia 90% alcohol is injected in trigeminal ganglion through
a. Foramen ovale
b. Foramen rotundum
c. Foramen lacerum
d. Foramen spinosum
Bell's palsy involves:
A. VII cranial nerve
B. V cranial nerve
C. VI cranial nerve
D. IX cranial nerve
The drug of choice in trigeminal neuralgia:
A. Carbamazepine
B. Diazepam
C. Diclofenac sodium
D. Aspirin
Bell's sign occurs in:
A. Facial nerve palsy
B. Trigeminal nerve palsy
C. Herpes zoster
D. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
C Gustatory sweating is seen in injury to:
A. Facial nerve
B. Mandibular nerve
C. Auriculotemporal nerve
D. Maxillary nerve

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