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Kancil and farmer

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Kancil and farmer
Along time ago, a deer was living on the edge of the forest. The deer liked to
eat fruits, roots and branches. But deer prefered vegetables at farmer’s field
On one day the deer went into farmers’ fields pack. He saw cucumbers that
are ready to be picked. He immediately took one and eat it. Deer then run to
take a longer, but her feet hit the snare. Deer struggled and tugged the
noose but not managed to escape.
Then deer saw a pack of farmers approaching. Deer lay down on the ground
and confess him as if dead.
The farmer tried touching the body of the deer with his legs. Deer did not
move. The farmer was releasing the snare of foot deer and deer body threw
out the fields. As soon as deer hit the ground, deer jump and run.
Behind the deer heard pack farmer shouted, “Hey you……naughty, you
tricked me!”
A few days later the deer came back to go to the fields. Deer wants to eat a cucumber again. He saw
a pack of farmer standing in the corner of the field. When he noticed it was not the pack farmer but
a scarecrow.
Deer came scarecrow it and hit it hard. But his stick on the scarecrow. The farmer had the doll
smeared with sticky rubber latex.
Deer continued to struggle, and finally did he push the doll with his legs. His feet are also attached.
He was trapped.
Then he saw a pack of peasants, he tried to find a way to be able to escape, but failed.
“You come again,” said the farmer pack.
He let go of the mouse deer scarecrow and take it home. The farmer was confining Deer in an
empty chicken coop in your backyard.
“You wait here wrote,” Mr. farmer, “Tomorrow you will be our dinner.”
Deer can not sleep. He searched sense to escape, but no one any idea popped into his head. But
then the mouse deer saw a dog, he want to ask for help but the dog ignore him and laugh. The
mouse deer try to to trick the dog so he can get out from the cage. The mouse deer said to the dog
that he loved by the farmer and the dog get angry to him, so the dog open the cage and extrude
the mouse deer. Finally the mouse deer can walk with free and happy.
Nama anggota:
• Dhoni Alfarizi :Editor
• Alvindo Saragih :story writer
• Satria Alwan F.U 150cc :equipment
• Juni perdy saragi :equipment

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