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Google Analytics is a powerful tool which provides actionable
data that can help you to make decisions about marketing your
website. However, while the data may be easy to get hold of,
that doesn’t make it easy to interpret and use, especially for
newcomers. To help beginners here is the compiled brief
glossary of the key terms you may come across when
navigating through Google Analytics.
1.Pageviews :
This is the number of times users view a page
that has the Google Analytics tracking code
inserted. All page views are covered under this.
It’s a count of viewed pages and not individual
visitor. If a user refreshes a page ,or navigates
away from the page and returns ,these are
counted as additional page views. This helps
you to identify your most popular pages.
1.Visits/Sessions :

Visits are individual periods of time or sessions

,that visitors spend on your site. This visit ends
either after 30 minutes of inactivity or if the user
leaves the site for more than 30 minutes but if
the user leaves the site and returns within 30
minutes, this is counted as a part of the original
1.Unique Pageviews :

The unique pageview is the count of all the times

the page was viewed in an individual session as a
single event. If a visitor viewed the page once in
their visit or five times, the number of unique
pageviews will be counted as just one.
1.Unique Visitor :

When a user visits your site for the first time ,a

new visit and unique visitor both are recorded.
But if the same visitor returns to the site after
their initial visit, then only a new visit is added and
not recorded as unique visitor.
1.Bounce Rate :

A Bounce represents a visit with only one page

view.The Bounce rate is measured in percentage.
It represents the number of visits when users
leave your site after just one page view,
regardless of how long they stayed on that page.
(Total Bounces divided by total visits)

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