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Author: Galo Escudero

INTRODUCTION  It has transformed the forms of negotiation.
It is a phenomenon that is  The interconnection of the world.
characterized by the  Short distances.
integration of nations and
 Stimulate trade.
individuals into an
 Decrease communication times.
international community.
 It almost destroyed the trade limits.
 At the moment, the custom of Ecuadorians has changed
What impact does
significantly with the use of electronic devices that
globalization with
allow the use of information circulating on the internet,
the Internet have on
the custom of which serves to study, learn, entertain and many other

Ecuadorians? things.
 On the Internet you can do many things, send and

receive messages, chat, buy and sell, take and teach, do

Cultural, economic
and communication remote experiments, listen to music and watch videos,
boundaries have travel and visit museums, study, earn money and
been removed over
friends, waste your time or have fun.
the internet?
 These days is important to use the informatión.
 It is an integrating phenomenon.
 It has mixed the social, economic, political, commercial,
cultural and many other things.

CONCLUSIONS  Globalization should be seen as an opportunity in the

economic aspect, at this present time it is important to
make use of technology to grow in a competitive
market, and continue moving forward.

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