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Overseas Filipino
• Name: Gemicah
• Age: 24
• Occupation: Nurse
• Based in: London, United Kingdom
• Monthly income range: £2,000 – £2,500
(P125,000 – P160,000)
• Why did you decide to work abroad?
As the eldest child, the primary reason
why I decided to work abroad was so I
could earn more for my family. I wanted
to provide. Another reason is that I've
always wanted to “see the world,” to
know what lies beyond the horizon. Source:
Millenial OFWs
• Name: Micah
• Age: 32
• Occupation: Project Officer
• Based in: Seoul, South Korea
• Monthly income range: Undisclosed
• Why did you decide to work abroad?
I had the chance to study in Korea for
graduate school for a year. It was a great
experience because I was able to meet
new friends and travel. Afterwards, I
flew back to the Philippines to finish my
thesis. While I loved spending time with
my family and friends, Source:
Millenial OFWs
• Name: Mayeight
• Age: 34
• Occupation: Cabin Crew
• Based in: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
• Monthly income range: 9,000 AED
(around P120,000)
• Why did you decide to work abroad?
I really wanted to work for Emirates
because it’s the ~perfect~ airline and
because it is based in Dubai. It’s my
second home and if I were have the
ability to take back time, I’d choose
emirates again.

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