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Ancient greek philosophers approched the
problem of truth by looking at the nature of
knowledge and how we know what we know. We
assume that everything we know about this world
is true. But philosphers who pondered upon the
origins of knowledge doubted everything that
there is know about themselves and the world. In
doing so, they were able to better understand the
means by which humans gain knowledge and
determine the truth about everything. It is said
that there are instances when we have to unlearn
something so that we may learn anew.
Philosophers questions what they knew even
analyzed their methods of knowing in order to
understand themselves and the world much better.
As a philosophers, we do not assume that every statement is
true. Doubt has a very important purpose in philosophy as it
derives our desire to discover truth. In philosophy, systematic
doubt is employed to help determine truth. This means that
every statement, claim, evidence, and experience is scrutinized
and analyzed. Nothing is taken as true unless there is sufficient
reason and evidence to prove that is indeed true. Let’s assume,
that the truthfulness of these statements have yet to be

Using doubt as our starting point, let’s revise the statements

to make them easier to scrutinize and analyze. Lets rewrite the
statements as questions so we can review and examine them
 Am I alive?
Do I have a body?
Can I breathe?
Now, how will you figure out the answer to these
questions? The obvious answer would be to examine
yourself to determine if indeed you are alive, that you
have a body, and you can breathe. Do you have a
pulse? Can you feel your hearth beat? Do you have
hands, arms, legs, feet, and a head? Try to take a
deep breath, then exhale, If you answered “yes” to all
these questions, then you can conclude with certainty
that the previous statements about yourself are true.

I am alive!
I have a body!
I can breathe!
This is one perspective on truth:a
beliefs is true if it can be justified
or proven through the use of one’s

Another basis for determining truth: a

belief or statement is true if it is
based on facts.

Another way of determining what is true:

Getting a consensus or having
people agree on a common belief.

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