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To the objection that Utilitarian morality is

incompatible with self-sacrifice...

Another objection to mill's theory is that, is does not

recognise the value of self-sacrifice
Mills says...
• Utilitarianism does recognise the goodness of self sacrifice,
if its done for the sake of promoting the greatest happiness
of the greatest number.

• If self-sacrifice is merely done for its own sake,then

utilitarianism sees it a waste

• The kind of sacrifice Mill finds reasonable is the kind which

produces consequences that benefit more people other
than oneself

• He ascribes to Jesus Christ's teaching to love one's neighbor

as oneself, expressing how Utilitarianism values other
person as much as one self
Utilitarianism not only promotes the happiness of the agent but of all
concerned who potentially experience the consequences of the agent's act
Utilitarianism upholds the belief
that a truly moral person always
tries to incorporate the good of
others in every decision he/she

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